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  1. L

    Chameleon won't eat

    he is about 7-8 months old and if you mean his environment temperature, it reads between 81 - 84 - with it being 84 right now
  2. L

    Chameleon won't eat

    Thanks to everyone - I will look into the laxatone - as for the enema, we also wondered how that would benefit, but we were assured by our local reptile doctor this was the right thing to do - he is scheduled for another enema tomorrow am if he doesn't pass something today. As for the questions...
  3. L

    Chameleon won't eat

    We took him to the vet and the xray showed a blockage - they actually gave him an enema and said he may need 1 or 2 more - they believe he ate some sub straight from his new cage, coconut ground up, and it blocked him up - so he feels full and doesn't want to eat - he has been trying to force...
  4. L

    chicken or fish !!!!!

    are the pinkies alive when you feed them?
  5. L

    Chameleon won't eat

    It has been one week since he has not eaten. We changed his habitat completely and that is when he stopped. He is back in his old one though, and still WILL NOT eat. He moves around and drinks, but his color is greyer than normal as well. He appears to still have his tongue, but he won't...
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