My chams love them but they grow soooo fast they will outgrow your chams quickly. You can put them in the fridge for a day and then out for a day or two, and repeat but they still grow to an unmanageable size almost before your eyers. A young cham like that could not manage full size, I don't...
I bought the dry mix from Mulberry farms and will make it as I need it. I buy my hornworms from them and have been pleased, I find their food does not mold as readily as others and they eat it up like crazy.
Highest temp to keep them dormant
what is the warmest fridge temperature that will keep the maggots dormant? I am hoping I can set this new fridge at a temp that is cool enough to keep the maggots dormant but not too cool to kill hornworms when I want to slow their growth.
Anyone got...
Who wants to check in?
Currently I have 12 hornworm Pupae snuggled beneath a warm blanket of EcoEarth. Gently getting misted each day.
14 hours of warm sunlight provided by a mercury vapor light.
Privacy provided by a vinyl shower curtain, hopefully covering the areas that will most...
I think $300 is a bit low if you have to buy and enclosure, lighting, misting equipment AND the chameleon.
Check out the sponsor breeders on the site. Please stay away from the big box pet stores. Their chams are often not well cared for.
My advice before you get your new buddy. READ it...
Its really important to complete the 'How to ask for help" form
It would be wrong for people to speculate on what could be wrong without knowing more about your enclosure, lighting, feeding, general husbandry. Having some pictures of her...
Time and time again people list their woes with these misters on the forum. Did you buy another of the same brand?
I would return it and invest the few extra dollars in a Aquazamp or a MistKing. You can use them on a number of cages, one system usually upwards of 10 enclosures
What I would...
Since you said you have had him for 6 months, that would probably put the age of your UVB at at least that. Its time to get a new bulb if its not one of the Arcadia's
Not sure if that would cause excessive basking, but it is an incidental observation.
Well I just ordered a hundred spikes and the cup o' flies to set them up. I am hoping this gives them their hunting fun since I rarely get crickets anymore, and just use dubias, horns and supers.
I think I am going to have to buy a small dorm fridge, I think the BF, when he moves in will not...
Do you have a visual barrier between the 2 cages. They should not see each other as it will stress them out. I have my enclosures side by side but have a white vinyl shower curtain between the 2 so they can't see each other.
Other things I would question with what you have posted.
So what I do for my roaches is use two sterilite bins. the same size. I have cut the bottom out of one and put fairly fine screening across the bottom with the hot glue gun. I put the bugs and egg crate inside, egg crate on it sides the best I can and the frass falls mostly through the...
I have a very talented daughter and she did this great piece of digital art for me for my birthday and I wanted to show it off to everyone!
She did it so I can print it out at about 8 x 10 and have it framed.
Marshawn loves his hornworms!!
Flamazine : Silver sulfadiazine cream is used to prevent and treat wound infections in patients with second- and third-degree burns.
Silver sulfadiazine is an antibiotic. It works by killing the bacteria or preventing its growth.
Info taken from
I didn't think it had anti...
Seeing that you live in the PNW I am going to assume that the Fred Meyers in OR have similar inventory to WA. I get great Sheffelera's and pothos from Fred Meyers, quite often they have sales where you get one plant then another for 50% OFF. The Lowes & Home Depot don't have great quality stock...
Welcome to the forum. This is most definitely the place to learn all you need to learn about chameleons and breeding.
I don't want to be the first person to rain on your parade but the things that sound too good to be true usually are.
A female can lay infertile eggs without a male.
When you...