Thinking of getting a Veiled Chameleon.


New Member
Thinking of getting a Veiled Chameleon but have no idea where to go, what to do, where to get. I've done my own research but have found very little about how to actual care for one or what to get, what kind of lighting, what to feed, what not to feed. Whats harmful. Also note that I also have a bearded dragon. I know NOTHING please inform me. Also start up costs, it looks like around $300 from what I can tell.
hey there, getting your first chameleon can be very exciting. I have a link to the forums caresheet on veilds. I do not own one, but this is a great site for information.

So advice for a cham owner in general.

5.0 repti-sun are great uvb bulb. make sure you get the long bulb. not the coiled kind.
Before you bring your cham home make sure you know what your temps/humidity are.
Mistkings are just great.
Use a digital device for measuring your temp and humidity.
Make sure you pay close attention to what your supposed to dust your feeders with. stick to a good schedule using a calendar.
ask many questions, there are many people here that can help you.

good luck
why 5.0? and what brand? I know with my beardie I need a certain brand because the others hurt their eyes.
What do I dust the feeders with? Calcium, D3? what brands or is it important?
Check out the care sheets on the lower left side bar and find the one under care sheets fore veiled, it should answer all your questions.:)
why 5.0? and what brand? I know with my beardie I need a certain brand because the others hurt their eyes.
What do I dust the feeders with? Calcium, D3? what brands or is it important?

well what brands to use are used are going to vary quite a bit. you'll get 50 different people tell you different brands.
I personally like repti-sun bulbs as the research I've heard is good for them. a lot of people use arcadia (SP?) bulbs as they are supposed to last up to a year as other brands usually last about 6 months.
As for 10.0 bulbs, I guess it really depends on how big your cage is. although I've heard people who have 36" tall cages use 5.0 and have no problems. I've heard the eye problem thing but I also recently heard what ever manufacture was making those bulbs that hurt eye sight has fixed the problem.
Im sure someone else might chime in with more specific information on why 5.0 uvb are used in some situations and 10.0's are used in others.

for dusting, I would read over the care sheet. Trust me it has tons and tons of info about specific supplementing and husbandry specifics for your specific chameleon.

as far as brands of supplementation again, your going to get a whole bunch of different responses.
I personally use rep-cal calcium without d3 or phosphorus
I use exo-terra calcium with d3
I use exo-terra multivitamins

from what I've read they are reputable companies that produce products that do their job as far as dusting/supplementation.

hope this info helps :)
I think $300 is a bit low if you have to buy and enclosure, lighting, misting equipment AND the chameleon.

Check out the sponsor breeders on the site. Please stay away from the big box pet stores. Their chams are often not well cared for.

My advice before you get your new buddy. READ it all on the Care Resources links here. Read the health threads to learn the things NOT to do, so you can avoid this problems before you start.

Typically Chameleons are not as personable as Beardies and Veiled can be pretty grumpy.

They are awesome display pets. I have two and if I could get away with it I will have a few more...
Here's a breakdown of what you'd be looking at spending to set up a chameleon:

I do think you can set up a chameleon for $200-300, it just depends on what you get, where you get it, and if you know what not to waste your money on. But if you start investing in "upgrades," like an automatic mysting system or the Arcadia bulbs with reflectors, etc., then yes your set-up costs can go way up.

For a new baby in a small baby cage you could get the ReptiSUN 5.0 UVB bulb, and then when you upgrade to a larger cage switch over to the Reptisun 10.0 bulb or look into the Arcadia ones (6%, for example).

The caresheet someone posted in the first reply you got is great, I recommend looking over it because it goes over feeding, supplements, etc.

Make sure to try and get a male chameleon as your first, the added difficulty of egg-laying in females is something we don't like recommending to new keepers unless they feel up to it.

Do not get your first chameleon from a place like Petco, they are usually not in the greatest health. I highly recommend you find a local breeder by asking on the forum or look into what reptile shows may be in your area and hand-pick one in person. Or look into the forum sponsors who offer baby veileds, because they can ship them to your door.

Anything else you need to know just ask!
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