My Ambilobe does the same, most of the time. But I got him a bigger cage he doesn't do it as often but still begs to be let out and will b-line it to my face. XD
Soooooooooooooo I forgot to put the cover on the super worms aaaand the next morning I brought my stuff into the bathroom to shower, I keep my towel on a chair it lies a bit on the floor. Welllllll I got out of the shower and two superworms were burying into my towel. It was disgusting!!! NEVER...
This is a water color picture I did of my chameleon Kaleo :)
Hey! So for my love of chameleons I got a chameleon tattoo it means something personally to me as well. It's not finished but I'm excited for it to be colored in. It will be blue bars and green body with a red and yellow tail like my chameleon :3
It says : "Never changing who I am"
I was looking inside the Reptiles Magazine and I found an article on chameleons. It had this green thick cage netting that went over the walls of the cage over the screen your chameleon can use to climb without filing his nails down. I don't remember what its called but it was green and plastic...