bloody vent?


New Member
Hey so just a quick question would eating superworms give my chameleon bloody stool or vent? I read that on a forum and im wondering if its true. Cuz sometimes i don't think he chews them well enough and the forum I read it on said parts can scrape his insides?
No I believe that is a myth. They should be digested in the stomach even if swallowed whole. I would look for a different cause. Are his stools undigested? He could have parasites
Chameleon Info:

Male Ambilobe panther chameleon - about 13 months old I've had him since march I believe

Handling - I handle him only to feed him, if he crawls out on his own, clean his cage or he will crawl out when I mist him.

Feeding - I feed him crickets and superworms. I feed him 3 times a day 4 in the morning, 5 in the afternoon and a few at night.(all depends for a while he didn't eat a lot but now he's eating regularly but he's got a lil bit more weight to gain he's going good :).I gut load carrots, lettuce romaine, etc. Squash, watermelon, banana, mango, cucumber, some artificial. Also he loves to just eat yellow squash by itself.

Supplements - I use repashy plus every feeding and the repcal multivitamin twice a month. And calcium drops the vet gave me for him.

Watering - I use filtered water mist 3-4 times a day and make sure he drinks plus watermelon is juicy when i hand feed that straight.

Fecal Description - droppings are brown with white urate haven't been a concern is well hydrated

History - his vent kind of looks red along the line of his vent and in his cage a few drops of blood very small drops, I wiped his toosh there's no blood that comes off but its still a lil red, he's acting fine just like he always does

Cage Info:Cage Type - Open air repti breeze 18x18x20 I think? Or 18x20x18 XD something like that its the big reptibreeze one I know that

Lighting - lighting reptisun uvb 18" 5.0 and reptisun 75 watt basking bulb 6 inches from nearest branch. Lights on from sun up to sun down.

Temperature -88-90 degrees basking, 75-80normal cage temp bottom of cage never lower then 65 I have thermometers

Humidity - humidity gauge 70-80+ I have boards to keep heat in.

Plants - schefflra umbrella plant small

Placement - cage on a table in the corner of my room I block off vents and I have a lol vine bridge to my window he likes to go to my window but i always keep them closed

Location - middle of wisconsin quite cold lately but keeping up his humidity

Problem: in history, slightly bloody vent tiny drops on the cage bottom its not bleeding now and i dont see bloody stool he's acting normal.
Repashy calcium plus has an ingredient that can turn red and look just like blood if it gets wet. If you have only seen it on the floor this could be what you are looking at. It has given me a scare a couple of times.
was it on him or on the floor?
if it was the floor then it was probably the repashy.
If it was on him, it could have been from his hemepene.
SOmetimes when my male panther Glacier had a prolapse, there would be dried blood on his vent from it.

So if your guy flashed his hemepenes, left them out for a bit etc, then it could have been from that.

the hemepene coming out is ok, so long as he puts it back in. ;)
It was on the ground and his vents line is red but nothing outside his body. And he only flashes when he potties XD
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