Chameleon Info:
Male Ambilobe panther chameleon - about 13 months old I've had him since march I believe
Handling - I handle him only to feed him, if he crawls out on his own, clean his cage or he will crawl out when I mist him.
Feeding - I feed him crickets and superworms. I feed him...
Hey so just a quick question would eating superworms give my chameleon bloody stool or vent? I read that on a forum and im wondering if its true. Cuz sometimes i don't think he chews them well enough and the forum I read it on said parts can scrape his insides?
I understand completely I have been making changes to my husbandry and he's been healthy as ever since :) I'm gonna keep it up. My baby deserves the best.
Thank you..poor guy I never even got to meet Kelly..
Kelly was my friend Sams chameleon, Kelly is the brother of Kaleo they were almost identical. I told Kaleo his brother died and if only he understood.
Kelly was having eye problems for a few months, Sam showered him and carefully rubbed his eye with q tip and kelly tried cleaning his eyes. It...
my friend sam has a chameleon who is the brother of mine he's been having problems and i'm submitting this forum for her so she can figure out what to do. she is bringing him to the vet when she can afford it. but currently she would just like to know the run-down.
Chameleon Info:
I know definitely when hes stressed he turns army colored, dark brown green stripes and his turrets turn dark when his turrets are dark he's definitely stressed. But yeah :) he's my lil baby loves his mommy XD
So Kaleo is very comfortable with humans and loves to climb out when he sees somebody in the room he's always really bright colors too. The only time he's stressed is if I am not by him when he's roaming by himself too long and turns happy colors when i come back. Is that normal for a chameleon...
I'm glad you say that I took him to the vet the baby crickets don't seems to do much for him I've been feeding him bigger crickets like 5 big ones he's been gaining weight luckily I probably will get some worms to help?.
Kaleo will be a year old by the end of this month. He's beautiful, but does he look his age? He's about 10/11 inches long body and tail. Maybe another year he will be fully grown?
Me too!! He was so happy not to be handled by yhe vet..he was black, puffing out his chin, tail curling and uncurling and eyes closed wriggling. It was so sad when they let him crawl on me he zipped to my head, turned bright green except brown nd black lil bruise type stress marks all over and...