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  1. garcraw4

    What Else do i need?

    Alright, I think i can make that work! The torts will usually eat Pumpkin, Watermelon, Peaches, really anything that doesn't move, including there own poop. By feeding the fruits, i'm assuming kind of put in a easy to reach place that is not hard to find.
  2. garcraw4

    How many pets do you have?

    2 dogs (Dooley and Cali) cat (Jazz) 2 Sulcata tortoises (Leo and Petey) Snapping Turtle (Killa) Box Turtle (Popeye) Veiled Chameleon (he'll be here Wednesday, in need of a name)
  3. garcraw4

    New Enclosure... Not finished yet

    I actually have let the two of mine kind of explore all day today and they seem to be doing okay. i have a big area for them but had to put plexiglass in between part of it so they wouldn't fight. I'm thinking about leaving them tonight and see how they do. I'm thinking I have a male and female...
  4. garcraw4

    What Else do i need?

    i do have all of the calcium, what kind of fruit? I do feed my tortoises fruit sometimes as a "treat" so same general thing?
  5. garcraw4

    What Else do i need?

    Well, I'm ordering him from LLL Reptile, which i've had good success with before so i thought i'd order again from them. They said they have them 1-3 months old and would send one near about 2.
  6. garcraw4

    What Else do i need?

    yeah, it has a piece of wood under it with the eco carpet on top of it, it does blend in pretty good though! So if i take out the moss and change the light, it's good? the basking spot isn't very hot, i got the lamp lifted up with two pieces of wood so it's not laying directly on the screen...
  7. garcraw4

    What Else do i need?

    I just got this cage and got it set up this afternoon. I'm not sure exactly what else i need though, so any help can be very good. I'm getting a baby Veiled on Wednesday so i'm trying to get everything set up well and get everything perfect for when he does come! The cage looks like it's falling...
  8. garcraw4

    Few questions involving food

    okay, yeah i plan on doing that. I'll be able to watch him at night but i got class during the day. So I'll keep an eye on him!
  9. garcraw4

    Few questions involving food

    ok i may just keep them in a container at first to get an idea of what he'll eat first.
  10. garcraw4

    Few questions involving food

    yes, he is a male. I ordered him from a legit place where i've gotten all my other reptiles from. Should i let the crickets just kind of wander in there or put them in a container and let him eat like that?
  11. garcraw4

    Few questions involving food

    I'll be a new owner this week of a Veiled Chameleon and needed some advice. I ordered a package from LLLreptile that came with lights and cage so i'm fine on that. My main question was how much should i feed him a day? He is young, about 3-4 inches but not 100% on the age but he is a male. I...
  12. garcraw4

    Working on my big boy cages

    that is useful, but i'm confused on the way it works exactly... Like can the crickets get out at all and just crawl around? i want them to stay in one spot of the enclosure so he can be able to find him.
  13. garcraw4

    Working on my big boy cages

    yeah, i was trying to get that and just put the crickets in it so he can find his food for the first little bit.
  14. garcraw4

    New Enclosure... Not finished yet

    i have two sulcata tortoises and they are my joys. One is 2 years old and the other is 9 months old. They are very sweet and get big quick! That is a very nice cage you have set up. Mine had to be seperated because they try to eat eachother! But your cham cage is beautiful as well. I'm going to...
  15. garcraw4

    Working on my big boy cages

    this might seem like a dumb question, but i am a new owner. The milk jug, what is exactly in that and how does it work? I'm getting a baby in the next couple of days and trying to fix his cage up well for him. What i had planned was to have crickets in a little travel, plastic tub. So can you...
  16. garcraw4

    New to everything!

    I love it here, it is always a very pretty place and it has the mountains, piedmont, and beach so it's got it all! Apex isn't to far from where i'm at, at all.
  17. garcraw4

    New to everything!

    haha, i have no idea where that is but i live in Hillsborough, between chapel hill and durham i i'm going to call LL L Reptile friday to make sure they will ship friday and i'll let you know.
  18. garcraw4

    New to everything!

    very true, i haven't thought about that. they said they would ship with heat packs and it wouldnt be to much of an issue so im not 100% yet. i really hope i am able to get it or i won't be very happy. it's good to see a fellow north Carolinian! what part do you live, if you don't mind me asking?
  19. garcraw4

    New to everything!

    yeah i love tortoises as well. The picture of the two are Sulcata tortoises. The dark one is Leo and the light one is Petey. The first picture is my one eyed box turtle named Popeye who i got at a rescue place because i'm "turtle man" around here. The other one is my snapping turtle named killa...
  20. garcraw4

    New to everything!

    these are my babys!
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