Working on my big boy cages


New Member
Finally got some time to assemble one of my 2x2x4s and I decided to just do a quick mock up in the backyard to get a feel of how big it is and to see if my drainage will work. I basically drilled a 1 inch hole in the white bottom that my LLL cage came with and then bought this scheflerra with a heavy ceramic pot. The weight of the plant creates a dip in the bottom so the water sorta runs down underneath the plant and viola! Water is drained through my shelving with holes in it and down into my rubbermaid plastic container beneath the cage. It sorta works but not as well as I like so I'm going to drill maybe 4 more holes and then cover them all up with screen. So here are a few pics of my work in progress.


A little closer view of the cage


And here's my little veil basking. I purposely took a long shot to show the scale of the enclosure compared to his mighty 4 inches of chameleon fury.


Anyways, since the whole thing was outside and the rain stopped and it actually got warm, my 2 guys actually got sun time today for the first time ever. As usual, the veil is like "whatever" and just went with the flow. The amibole was a weeny as usual and hated the trip from my room to the backyard. He did eat every cricket in the feed jug though.

And again, this is a work in progress along with another cage I have not yet put together. Both will eventually be in the house.
Hahah! He looks so tiny and cute in there... Hugh looks the same way in his big boy cage even though he's not quite a big boy yet. It looks awesome and can't wait to see the finished products of both cages.:D
Looking good.
They will be happy in those "big boy" cages.

The little amibole is doing great. He seems to have grown a bit since I picked him up but I can't really measure him accurately since he never stops moving when I try. Maybe I should just pick up a scale to track his weight hehe.
this might seem like a dumb question, but i am a new owner. The milk jug, what is exactly in that and how does it work? I'm getting a baby in the next couple of days and trying to fix his cage up well for him. What i had planned was to have crickets in a little travel, plastic tub. So can you fill me in?
this might seem like a dumb question, but i am a new owner. The milk jug, what is exactly in that and how does it work? I'm getting a baby in the next couple of days and trying to fix his cage up well for him. What i had planned was to have crickets in a little travel, plastic tub. So can you fill me in?

It is a feeder cup for crickets

You don't have to use screen - you can hit the would be screen part with some sandpapaer (to make it rough enough for them to climb) and the crickets can climb up that way.
yeah, i was trying to get that and just put the crickets in it so he can find his food for the first little bit.
that is useful, but i'm confused on the way it works exactly... Like can the crickets get out at all and just crawl around? i want them to stay in one spot of the enclosure so he can be able to find him.
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