WOW how they grow so fast. I just remember it like it was yeasterday driving from Orlando where I got him (Thanks DEZ chamalot chameleon). On the drive home he escaped his bag and climbed on my hand while I was driving and stayed there the entire ride home (1.5 hour).
Here are some picture of my little guy from Kammer. I took him out in the warm FL sun for the day.
Tounge shot
Bite that leaf
Showing of colors
I also had the scare. I put my 6 month old out side on his big tree while I cleaned out his cage. I check on him about every 5 min or so. Well it had been about 15 min with out me checking so I ran out there and of course he was no where to be found. So I start looking around and finally found...
last night Cham PJ's
Here is my new guy its hard to see his color. I haven't gotten a good picture of him.
This is his Sire from Kammer
Who are both your guys Sire?