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  1. ApolloT

    A couple of pics

    Good looking fella. Where did you get him from?
  2. ApolloT

    New pic of Burnside

    I am going to try and make it out there. If I do make it I will bring Burnside with me. Will you have a booth out there?
  3. ApolloT

    New picture of my little guy drinking

    Yeah I cant wait to see your guy. He must be getting big.
  4. ApolloT

    New picture of my little guy drinking

    Thanks everyone!
  5. ApolloT

    New picture of my little guy drinking

    I think he is about 3-4 months old.
  6. ApolloT

    New pic of Burnside

    His sire is Circleside.
  7. ApolloT

    New pic of Burnside

    WOW how they grow so fast. I just remember it like it was yeasterday driving from Orlando where I got him (Thanks DEZ chamalot chameleon). On the drive home he escaped his bag and climbed on my hand while I was driving and stayed there the entire ride home (1.5 hour).
  8. ApolloT

    New picture of my little guy drinking

    Here are some picture of my little guy from Kammer. I took him out in the warm FL sun for the day. Enjoy:D Tounge shot Bite that leaf Showing of colors
  9. ApolloT

    My new BB Ambilobe fro Chamalot Chams

    Nice another Circle side baby. I have his clutch mate. They are awesome! Here is his brother.
  10. ApolloT

    New pics of my Kammer (Harvey)!

    They are awesome! I just sent her a thank you email with pictures. Hope see likes it.
  11. ApolloT

    Calling all kammer babies

    Here is Harvey Sire: "Roa-endrika" (AKA Two Face)
  12. ApolloT

    Cham Jams

    He looks awesome. My guys always sleep with there tales all curled up. Your guys tail is extended that's really cool.
  13. ApolloT

    Almost Had A Heart Attack!

    I also had the scare. I put my 6 month old out side on his big tree while I cleaned out his cage. I check on him about every 5 min or so. Well it had been about 15 min with out me checking so I ran out there and of course he was no where to be found. So I start looking around and finally found...
  14. ApolloT

    saved a Chameleon from Petco this weekend

    Great Job! That was a very noble thing to do. Congrats!
  15. ApolloT

    New pics of my Kammer (Harvey)!

    This my new guy from Kammer. He is 3 months. Eats and drinks like a champ:D
  16. IMG 2867SZ

    IMG 2867SZ

  17. IMG 2858SZ

    IMG 2858SZ

  18. IMG 2870SZ

    IMG 2870SZ

  19. ApolloT

    Questions about Ordering Crickets

    I just received 500 (1/4) crickets. They where perfect for my 3 month old guy. I ordered them from Ghann's crickets.
  20. ApolloT

    Cham Jams

    last night Cham PJ's Here is my new guy its hard to see his color. I haven't gotten a good picture of him. This is his Sire from Kammer Who are both your guys Sire?
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