Questions about Ordering Crickets


New Member
I have a three month Veiled. I want to order some crickets frm Mulberry Farms. I was thinking i would order 500. On the site it says pinheads and week 1-6 which should i get for the age of my cham? What do they come in? And what should i keep them in after i receive them? And all i need to do is put in some Bug Burgers and those liquid squares things and i'm good right? thanks
eh. id get 1/4 or 3/8ths if its a bit bigger. the bigger they are the easier they are to keep alive for me but at the same time they will be growing everyday so id probably go with 1/4

a plastic tub (with some screened vents) with some egg crate.. with bug burger you dont need the water crystals.
What is your chameleons size? As a general rule, they say to offer feeders that are about the length of the space between your chameleons eyes, although they can eat a feeder that is just slightly bigger than this. I have had 3 month old Veileds eating nearly full grown crickets.
meh my cham eats any size... shes very old now so it doesnt really matter anymore (9 mo) but honestly they can chew... it really is no big deal. now dont go feeding a 10 month old cham to a 3 month old cham. if you know what i mean.
I attached a size chart to help you. I don't remember where I got it, so I can't cite it, but it's been a great resource to me over the years.

I think when mine were babies I was feeding them 1/4th crickets.


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Mulberry farms ships their crickets in a box, about 5 inches high, and a 1ft long.
Each side has been cut out and replaced with mesh.
Inside, there are eggcartons layered that the crickets sit on.

i would get the 2 week old crickets for a 3 month old.
Or, if you want to get a 1000, (whcih i recomennd) I would get the 1 week.
I just received 500 (1/4) crickets. They where perfect for my 3 month old guy.
I ordered them from Ghann's crickets.
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