Cham eyes do eventually get all closed off and a bit sunken in when they've been sleeping for a while I've noticed.. I don't think he's dehydrated but thats just my opinion!
Cute cham!! Anymore pics??
Hi, my boys do that after they drink as well. I think it's just how they get the water down. They'll lift their nose to the sky after they have a big gulp as well. Just my opinion, but I don't think you have anything to worry about :)
That's so exciting! One of my little guys did the same thing the other day, it's nice to know they're starting to trust you after all the worrying, effort and love you put into keeping them. I'd love them just the same if they didn't hand feed though :)
I'd recommend Chameleons of Madagascar to anyone! I'm just happy to support the forum which has so many great people and so much wonderful information on it. Here's a couple pics if my 5mo Faly not as impressed with the Cham documentary as I was.. haha!
Hi, as long as shes not eating the dirt I don't think it's a problem lol. Sometimes mine like to sleep close to the bottom as well! I don't think its anything to worry about, she probably just thinks it's comfy and hidden under all the leaves!