My new buddy!!!


New Member
I just wanted to show off my new veiled chameleon and his fresh shed. He is 11 months old and i got him as a gift from my girlfriend. I am looking forward to joining the forum and continuing to learn as I lurk a lot on here but never have posted. I've have had him for about 2 months now and have noticed a drastic difference in the brightness of his colors. I hope you all enjoy his picture and future posts. Any advice is welcome!


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    242.2 KB · Views: 114
Welcome! He looks great! No problem in lurking, but don't be afraid to ask questions or chime in on other topics! More pics! :)
Only advice I have is to keep posting new pictures! He is cool. ;) Welcome to the forums and look forward to the next pics! :D
Thank you thank you! At first I was giving him eight or nine crickets a day but then found out that was to much, so I cut back to every other day. I found out its hard not to give the lil Guy something everyday so now I give him about five crickets or Phoenix worms a day. Do you think this is to much or about right?
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