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  1. CarlyMK

    My new sambava panther

    Love the name, surprisingly fitting!
  2. CarlyMK

    kyro becoming brave

    Thats so great! All chams are different... Some people think they're all instinct but I feel they all have completely different personalities. You got lucky, most do seem to be anti-social especially when they first arrive. You should definitely try hand feeding, It's been months and I still...
  3. CarlyMK

    Rango! My Nosymitsifalybanja

    Omg he is so cute
  4. CarlyMK

    a few pictures of my chameleon

    Beautiful! wow!
  5. CarlyMK

    my package came yay!!

    So cute! Love the pics
  6. CarlyMK

    lucky newb learns his lesson...

    phew, good thing you found out now! Glad he's okay! Keep a close eye on him just in case for the next couple days.
  7. CarlyMK

    sleep issue

    hmm, maybe try what MCSEB suggested, try the lights on at 8 and off at 8? Mine are on 730-730 and they get their pj's on well before that but do not sleep until lights off and do not wake until lights on.
  8. CarlyMK

    It's erroneous!!!!!

    Wow he's beautiful!
  9. CarlyMK

    New Edition

    Getting so blueeee<3 Most relaxed cham I know!
  10. CarlyMK

    Our first Baby!

    So cute! What kind of cham baby?
  11. CarlyMK

    A Few Falys....

    Stunning! Wow!
  12. CarlyMK

    Newbie here

    I've read that substrate is dangerous as it can cause impaction if ingested. Also, the crickets will climb down and burrow within the substrate so you really can't tell how many your cham is eating, and how many are left in the cage over night, which can create other problems. I don't have...
  13. CarlyMK

    Chameleon shedding

    In my experience they can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a month and a half at that age, depending on it's growth. I wouldn't worry too much about it for now, I always write the days down that they shed so I know to the exact day; incase I thought it was a month ago but really it was 2...
  14. CarlyMK

    Advice and Help Please!

    Hello, 1/4 cricks are not that big, I still have a 3 month old so my 5 month old is still eating the smaller crickets. He can eat up anywhere from 15-20 a day plus a silkworm usually. Your guy is still young so they're still allowed to eat as much as they want! Just my opinion, someone may have...
  15. CarlyMK

    Reptibreeze XL

    I use flat thumb tacks from the outside to keep the vines in place, just make sure none of them are sticking up through the vine so you're guy doesn't hurt himself. A clear coat of nail polish will keep the tacks from rusting. Hope this helps
  16. CarlyMK

    Little guys's color

    I think he's going to be beautiful! Mine is all brown and white now but expected to have some nice colour, only time will tell!
  17. CarlyMK

    Freezing gutload???

    I freeze mine as well, but find they dry out very quickly is proper freezer bags are not used when they defrost.
  18. CarlyMK

    Mt. Meru Surprise.....

    Congrats! Thats great!
  19. CarlyMK

    few photos of him out and about

    Absolutely love his colours!
  20. CarlyMK

    Daily Walk Video: Take One (Epic Fail)

    That's so cute! haha
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