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  1. FiReBaNaNa

    Mantis questions

    here's what you want to do, my uncles favorite feeder for his chams are mantids, get 6 24 oz deli cups with lids and fill it with exselsior (spanish moss) but loosly, divide up ur mantids evenly into the cups, u will need fruit flies, feed two hours after hatching. and feed them to ur cham you...
  2. FiReBaNaNa


    i was out under my porch with my heat lamp hangin from the top and i've been collecting house geckos when a tiny cornsnake slithered across so i caught and fed to yoshi, not my baby ,but my uncles male veiled, he zapped the head ,so it couldnt bite and he seem so excited and happy then i fed...
  3. FiReBaNaNa

    got a good start on my custom cham cage! with pics

    what are the demensions of ur cage man
  4. FiReBaNaNa

    Important Questions!

    you said it always looks dark in his cage, i would use halogen vapor bulbs
  5. FiReBaNaNa

    Nutritional value of silkworms?

    if you want ur cham to really like being fed, get 'em some mantids, and maybe some blue bottle flies!
  6. FiReBaNaNa

    tap water?

    :confused: i ran out of distilled water and i was wondering if tap is fine:confused:
  7. FiReBaNaNa

    best plants

    i got a 6 foot ficus for $25 at my local nursery and garden center THIS IS Y I LOVE TEXAS
  8. FiReBaNaNa


    sorry im from texas what does PM mean:confused:
  9. FiReBaNaNa


    where do u live because im very interested, i have a finicky cham and someone told me to try mantids
  10. FiReBaNaNa


    what kind of mantis ooths should i by people? thanks
  11. FiReBaNaNa

    Look at this cool wbsite!

    nice looking site, very appi:rolleyes:ezing
  12. FiReBaNaNa

    for the first

    it was two silkies and a butter
  13. FiReBaNaNa

    for the first

    thats what i was worried that i lost it cause i had his ficus on the front patio and some roudy kids came over to talk to my sis and started to pester him and i promised them if any harm came to him i would send em to the er so after they left i thought it would be a good idea just to take him...
  14. FiReBaNaNa

    for the first

    what do you mean :confused:
  15. FiReBaNaNa

    for the first

    he's about 4 months
  16. FiReBaNaNa

    for the first

    hey just wanted to post my cham ate out of my hand about 30 minutes ago but he didnt zap he ate it right out of my hand. ?Is that normal? ne ways it was awsome
  17. FiReBaNaNa

    New Import

    look it up on google maps i didnt either at first
  18. FiReBaNaNa

    New Import

    whats a joke?
  19. FiReBaNaNa

    New Import

    could you save me one if i can convince him to get a nosy tiki and could you send me a pic cuz im interested
  20. FiReBaNaNa

    New Import

    o dude thats fine we mainly do breeding for fun
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