Important Questions!


New Member
Hey so I have a couple questions before I make a purchase.
First off, My chameleon is getting quite a bit bigger than when i first got him. Im Looking at new cages for him. Can anyone provide me a link to a good sized cage that I could use permanently??
I was looking at buying the largest version of this cage..

would that work?

And would a 24 inch 10.0 UVB light work good for that cage? or should I get 2 of them? it always looks so dark in his cage...

And then What plant is the best for climbing? The one I have in there now is dying I think due to lack of UVB lighting... so that kinda refers back to the 2 or 1 10.0 UVB lights for his cage.

And as for my crickets. I have a large plastic clear tub with a bunch of large holes in the lid. After a couple weeks it gets all moist and nasty in there and they all die. And it smells atrocious! Would leaving the lid off be a simple fix?

Thanks guys. Just let me know! :)
A 2x2x4 screen cage is the size you want for an adult male veiled or panther.

One 5.0 reptisun bulb will do just fine, and you can use 6500K plant lights to light up the cage. They help the plants grow too.

You need to clean the cricket bin every or every other day and using a well ventilated cage/enclosure helps keep the stink down.
well first I would pro buy a screen cage from LLL reptile bacuse they are a sponser and really do have great prices on cages that are great quality. For the plant I would get a Schefflera arboricola and maybe a pothos as well. You could always get a ficus as well but they arent as hardy. Also you might pick up a 6500K bulb to help your plantsstay alive. For my crickets i have all for walls screen and a hare top with a light bulb attached to the roof. The bulb keeps it warm and dryer which help with the smell but cricket always stink.
Okay.. Ill probs get that cage then. Cuz that is the exact size you recomended...

And a correction on the light size. Its 18inches... So Would you recommend a 5.0 UVB or 10.0 UVB 18 inch for that size cage?

and where could I get one of those plant lights?
You can buy those lights at most hardware stores and some walmarts sell them but your best bet is a HD or lowes. I use an 18 reptisun 10.0 on my and it works great. It shouldnt make a big difference on a 5 or a 10 its really personal preference on a big cage like that. I only use the10.0s on big 2x2x4 foot cages or bigger.
You can get almost that exact same cage for 80-90 bucks at

still a 5.0 reptisun.

You can get a 6500k bulb at home depot or somewhere similar.
Yes Im checking the prices there now... its much cheaper!
Thanks for refering it to me guys.. I think I might buy a Emperor Scorpion for only $7.99 LOL! I could keep it in my old cricket cage... and feed it crickets... Does anyone know if they have special requirements?
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