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  1. CoolCham


    OK so a couple weeks ago I posted a topic about my female Jacksons not eating. Everyone here said it was because she was shedding. Well its been almost three weeks and she hasn't eaten anything, except maybe a cricket or two. How long is her shed supposed to last? Its pretty much all gone except...
  2. CoolCham

    Cham not eating

    OK, thanks! I'll keep trying and see if she eats once done shedding
  3. CoolCham

    Cham not eating

    She's actually not as 'fat' as I made it seem.. and as far as I know she shouldn't be pregnant but there's always the possibility the place where we ordered her from did. Sorry if those weren't the pics you were wanting I just quickly took them. Thanks again!
  4. CoolCham

    Cham not eating

    No, we are not housing them together. If she is getting ready to lay, its not because of my guy because we haven't gotten them to mate yet. We ordered her online from lllreptile, but I don't think she's gonna lay. Although that would be nice...
  5. CoolCham

    Cham not eating

    Hi, I have a few questions about our female Jacksons. She hasn't been eating very much lately. She doesn't take crickets from my hand and for some reason doesn't eat them from a cup. She is also a very picky eater and only eats things that move. I have to put the cricket on the screen where she...
  6. CoolCham

    female not receptive

    She is about a year old and full sized
  7. CoolCham

    female not receptive

    Hello, I have another Jacksons breeding question. I've been trying to get my male and fenale to breed, but the female is never receptive. She instantly turns black and sways back and forth. I was wondering if there was any way to get her more used to him? The cages are right next to each other...
  8. CoolCham

    breeding jacksons

    Thanks for the info! Another question though, if she is unresponsive, how long should you wait to put them together again? A couple days to a week?
  9. CoolCham

    breeding jacksons

    Well I tried it... she was NOT happy about it either. He was almost impossible to get out of the cage though :P
  10. CoolCham

    breeding jacksons

    I have a few questions about breeding Jacksons chameleon. We have a male and female and they are both full sized. What age is best to start breeding? The male is full sized, but the female is slightly smaller than the male. once we start breeding them, do you sperate them once their done or...
  11. CoolCham

    stressed from seeing another cham?

    Haha ya, he still has to wait a while before I put them together :D and yeah I'll try the move her and cover thing
  12. CoolCham

    stressed from seeing another cham?

    Hello all, I have a question. We recently got a new female Jacksons chameleon, and while setting up the cage, our male saw her. She didn't do much when she saw him, but he was going crazy. He got as close as could and kept trying to find away out of his cage to get closer to her. We eventually...
  13. CoolCham

    Pothos trouble

    Definitely over watering. I had a friend once who had a pothos and only watered it once a month, and it looked great haha but yeah I would try every other day.
  14. CoolCham

    sodium polyacrylate?

    What would be a good way to water feeders besides the crystals and just putting water a little cap? They always seem to drown our die..
  15. CoolCham

    sodium polyacrylate?

    Ok I'll try them and be careful, I would only be giving them to the crickets and I'll make sure the ones I give to the crickets are fully expanded.
  16. CoolCham

    sodium polyacrylate?

    Would using sodium polyacrylate to water crickets/roaches ok? I know its used in diapers and i think its what flukers cricket quencher is made of. We have some of it crystallized, and it would be convenient if we could just use that instead of buy other stuff.
  17. CoolCham

    over watering plants problem

    We have a schefflera (not sure if that's how you spell it) which has been having a lot of problems, and we just got a pothos which i don't want to start dying. We do have rocks on the soil, but we haven't put any sand in it yet.
  18. CoolCham

    over watering plants problem

    Hello I was just wondering how everyone keeps your plants from getting over watered? We have been having problems with our plants dyeing because the water from our misting system drips down the leaves into the pot.We've tried putting tin foil and plastic wrap over it, but water always seems to...
  19. CoolCham

    Quick roach/cricket question

    Alright, thanks for clearing that up! I will definitely be going with roaches now.
  20. CoolCham

    Quick roach/cricket question

    I was wondering if roaches were better for chams than crickets or not... So far we've been feeding just crickets, but we are thinking about switching to roaches because it would be easier. I heard that roaches are better for them than crickets, but I also heard that the roaches are just...
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