New Member
Hello everyone,
I just received my lovely juvenile male veiled. He is very healthy and has an amazing appetite.
I am having a little bit of difficulty with my pothos plant. I have read every pothos care information I have been able to find, but I feel like it is drooping more than it should be. I water it as soon as the soil feels a bit dry, but still moist near the roots.
I got it from a nursery here, washed it accordingly and replanted it in organic soil, but I'm wandering if there is a trick in making it less... droopy? Which won't really matter if my Veiled decides to take chunks out of it
Thank you!
I just received my lovely juvenile male veiled. He is very healthy and has an amazing appetite.
I am having a little bit of difficulty with my pothos plant. I have read every pothos care information I have been able to find, but I feel like it is drooping more than it should be. I water it as soon as the soil feels a bit dry, but still moist near the roots.
I got it from a nursery here, washed it accordingly and replanted it in organic soil, but I'm wandering if there is a trick in making it less... droopy? Which won't really matter if my Veiled decides to take chunks out of it
Thank you!