Thanks! We have so many in our back yard. I heard let them sit a couple days, and if they're still alive there are no pesticides. is that true? I dont want my cham to get sick.
Lately I've been seeing TONS on grasshoppers running round. I've seen people on here talk about home made grasshopper catchers, and I was wondering what you use?
Also, would grasshoppers be a fine daily feeder? While they're in season here anyways
I have an 18x18x36 and I've had no problem at all. I plan on getting his full size from repti breeze as well. :) If you buy on amazon, they are so much cheaper than if you buy at the pet store.
This is something I was thinking too! Whenever my chameleon is shedding he either hangs out all day on the branch right below the UVB strip light, or will crawl on the top under the UVB. Maybe the general color, or something about it to them helps them shed?
When I had to take my cham to the vet, it was kind of a struggle, because he isn't tame yet. What I did was leave to door open (I did it on accident before and he came right out!), then after he was out of his "territory" it was much easier to slide a stick under him. After that he was just...
That's pretty funny that you've thought of that!:D
Generally I think the more time you spend in your room ignoring him, he will start to see you less as invading his space, but co-existing in his space. :)
For fake plants, pots, soil, etc. I like to buy on ebay or amazon. You can find really good deals if you look. :)
Only down side is that you don't get it instantly, and you don't always know what you're getting. But so far I've had good luck :D
Recently I've been a little shocked at how little color my 9 month old ambanja panther Oliver has. I posted a tread about it and everything. (Thread also expressing my concern for size, but I recently found out he is a good size).
But then I started seeing more and more pictures of young...
Agreed. A max would probably be a few once a week. :p
Remember that the feeder can be as wide as the width between their eyes, and a bit longer than their head.
I agree with Camimom above, but if you are going to feed him the wax worms, it may just be that it is taking a little while for him to figure out it's food. Before I realized that mealworms were a treat, I would put 2 in with his crix every day, and it took him about a week and a half to start...