If you're buying plants I'd do it in real life. Make a list of suitable plants and go check them out at a nursery or home depot/lowes. Even if you have the perfect type of plant in mind you may go to the store and it may just not be as perfect as it seemed.
If you're buying plants I'd do it in real life. Make a list of suitable plants and go check them out at a nursery or home depot/lowes. Even if you have the perfect type of plant in mind you may go to the store and it may just not be as perfect as it seemed.

ThANKS! MY mind is all over the place!
If you're buying plants I'd do it in real life. Make a list of suitable plants and go check them out at a nursery or home depot/lowes. Even if you have the perfect type of plant in mind you may go to the store and it may just not be as perfect as it seemed.
I agree. I love buying things online but plants are just one of those things that are best found locally.

Large Hibiscus (extra light required)
Large Schefflera arboricola
Large Ficus benjamina

Epipremnum aureum - pothos (great in addition to one of the three above)
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375229337.798936.jpg this all they have up here!
I have a hanging pothos and I love it. Look and see if they have pothos towers or pothos on a stick if you want something bigger. The pothos have been very forgiving care-wise and the large pothos is my Jackson's favorite plant.
For fake plants, pots, soil, etc. I like to buy on ebay or amazon. You can find really good deals if you look. :)

Only down side is that you don't get it instantly, and you don't always know what you're getting. But so far I've had good luck :D
I have a hanging pothos and I love it. Look and see if they have pothos towers or pothos on a stick if you want something bigger. The pothos have been very forgiving care-wise and the large pothos is my Jackson's favorite plant.

But those are the ones people use from the pic I posted right? I'm trying to find a main plant. Ill try lower tomorrow! Thanks
Home Depot should have way more selection than that! What kinda cruddy Home Depot are you at?! Outrageous =P
Try to hit up your local gardening store. Generally local stores that aren't "big names" have healthier plants, and less likely doused in pesticides.
Home Depot should have way more selection than that! What kinda cruddy Home Depot are you at?! Outrageous =P
Try to hit up your local gardening store. Generally local stores that aren't "big names" have healthier plants, and less likely doused in pesticides.

I was looking for help! Ill try another one tomorrow

Yep, this is exactly what I have. I know a lot of people on the forum use Pothos, as well. My pothos is my main plant since I was able to get a very tall one. I also have a smaller hanging one that is more vine-like. I have a dracaena as another tall plant in my enclosure, but it is not as good for climbing as the pothos, and I might actually get rid of it. I also have schleffera (umbrella plants) and crotons (red oval leaves). The pothos grown fast, have giant leaves, hold water really well, and have been very forgiving of over or under watering. I only bought plants that were labelled "tolerant".

If you ever have any questions about what a plant actually is, the labels on the plants should have the scientific names. You can check those here on the forum or against the safe plant lists.

ChameleoPatrick just posted this - it might also be helpful for you:

My local Lowes actually has much better plant selection than the Home Depot.
Yep, this is exactly what I have. I know a lot of people on the forum use Pothos, as well. My pothos is my main plant since I was able to get a very tall one. I also have a smaller hanging one that is more vine-like. I have a dracaena as another tall plant in my enclosure, but it is not as good for climbing as the pothos, and I might actually get rid of it. I also have schleffera (umbrella plants) and crotons (red oval leaves). The pothos grown fast, have giant leaves, hold water really well, and have been very forgiving of over or under watering. I only bought plants that were labelled "tolerant".

If you ever have any questions about what a plant actually is, the labels on the plants should have the scientific names. You can check those here on the forum or against the safe plant lists.

ChameleoPatrick just posted this - it might also be helpful for you:

My local Lowes actually has much better plant selection than the Home Depot.
I'm gong to LOWES tomorrow!
Chameleon playground

Scheffelera makes me concerns me because it contains calcium oxalates, a lot of people seem to use it but I don't want to chance it...I am srill researching for our " playground we are making ...:)for now Sir George loves conquering our mountain of a ficus...see him at the top?


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Scheffelera makes me concerns me because it contains calcium oxalates, a lot of people seem to use it but I don't want to chance it...I am srill researching for our " playground we are making ...:)for now Sir George loves conquering our mountain of a ficus...see him at the top?

Great pic! Going Ficus hunting is lots of work lol
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