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  1. ChamyLove

    The perfect find!

    Sorry, I had trouble attaching picture in the first post..
  2. ChamyLove

    The perfect find!

    I'm getting a rain dome soon, so I do plan on keeping the reservoir, and a drainage bucket in the top drawer. Right now I just have a plastic container in the cage to catch the dripper water :) Until then I'm keeping supplements, extra supplies, stuff like that. :) Right now he is still in...
  3. ChamyLove

    The perfect find!

    I'm getting a rain dome soon, so I do plan on keeping the reservoir, and a drainage bucket in the top drawer. Right now I just have a plastic container in the cage to catch the dripper water :) Until then I'm keeping supplements, extra supplies, stuff like that. :) <img...
  4. ChamyLove

    if you build it..... 20' X 40' X 12' high- they will love it !!

    Clover might be a nice ground cover?
  5. ChamyLove

    Anyone have dogs

    I have a St. Barnard named Buster, and a puddle terrior mix (she's adopted, it's just a guess) named Daisy. :D
  6. ChamyLove

    How much food does she need?

    Something I found good for worms, is if you get a bird seed cup feeder thing, you can hang it on a branch in their cage and put their worms in that. That is what I do, and they never fall in the dirt. They are pretty cheap too. :) I got a set of 2 at petsmart for $1.50
  7. ChamyLove

    The perfect find!

    So I had a thread before, getting your guys' opinion on stand sizes, and what you guys have. SO I decided that I'd show you guys what I founf. :) My perfect surface dementions would have been 24"x 30". I went garage saling today, and found this drawer/stand thing. I think it is supposed to...
  8. ChamyLove

    Training for cup feeding

    What I did at first was put just over half his regular amount free ranged, the rest in the cup. Then I slowly started putting less and less free ranged. It took Oliver a few days to figure out what to do with it. I also had to play around with some spots to put his cup. Right now he seems to...
  9. ChamyLove

    Additude change

    I have an ambanja panther. He is usually somewhat shy, like if i get my hand too close to take off dry leaves or something, he will kind of slink away. He has never been aggressive like that. Even when I actually tried to touch him one time (the breeder gave me false info.. long story) Sometimes...
  10. ChamyLove

    Additude change

    Today my chameleon has been quite on edge. I haven't changed anything in his daily routine, but every time I even walk up to his cage, he puffs up super big, and just stares at me until I leave. I went to put some more food in his enclosure (He dropped his food cup into the dish that catches...
  11. ChamyLove

    cricket sizes and chams age

    That looks like the one from Ghann's. :
  12. ChamyLove


    Reading this, I got very upset myself. :mad: I completely agree with you. I get my feeders at petsmart (most convenient place), and every time I go there, they have a chameleon there. Sometimes veiled, sometimes Jackson's. It makes me so upset to see them there, that I just want to purchase them...
  13. ChamyLove

    Georges Headshots

    I can't help but notice how gorgeous his eyes are!!
  14. ChamyLove

    How do you set up your branches and vines?

    You can get floral wire at any hardware store, and craft store. That is what I use, you just wrap it around whatever you're hanging, then stick the ends through the holes in the cage, and tie them together. When buying the wire make sure to look and see how much weight it can hold:)
  15. ChamyLove

    Misting and cage setup

    Would you consider it sturdy? I've been looking for a stand like this that will hold a 2x2x4, but they all seem to be around 16" deep. is that enough?
  16. ChamyLove


    I was on, and I found a 24" D self standing shelving unit, somewhat like the one I found from target, but the smallest size you could buy it in was 7 feet tall. I guess this would be good for someone with multiple cages, they could take it apart and make multiple stands. But I only...
  17. ChamyLove


    thanks! That was kind of what I was thinking too. End table as in like a sofa table? Because my grandma bought one of those at a garage sale for cheap, I thought it was a good idea but it was only 16" D. Would you say that is still too narrow? I would like a wider one, but sadly, not all...
  18. ChamyLove


    The attatchment is the stand i found on ( it is 30 H " x23" W x 13." D. My ideal stand would be 25" H x 30" w x 24" D, and under $30. I've been thinking about building a...
  19. ChamyLove

    One more chameleon!

    I'm not sure why, but I've always liked the name Kiwi for a female. :) If/ when I get one, that is what I will name her. :D Congrats BTW
  20. ChamyLove

    I found my camera charger!

    Sorry for the late response! Lighting: 5.0 ubv reptisun strip light Zoomed blue bulb basking bulb. I change ut the bulb wattage depending on what the weather is supposed to be like. Right now I think it is a 60w. (Washington weather is pretty bipolar!) I recently updated his supplimenting...
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