I found my camera charger!


New Member
I found my camera charger, so I decided I would take some pics of little "Olli Pocket as I call him. :D
He's a 9 month old ambanja panther from Kammerflage Kreations. He doesn't have too much color yet, but the color he has is really beautiful. So I'm sure he will be lovely when he grows up. :)


  • Olli pocket 9 months.jpg
    Olli pocket 9 months.jpg
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  • Olli 9 months.jpg
    Olli 9 months.jpg
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  • Oliver 9 mOnths.jpg
    Oliver 9 mOnths.jpg
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  • Oliver 9 months .jpg
    Oliver 9 months .jpg
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He should have a lot more color if he's indeed 9 months old. Are you sure it's a male? Did you get him directly from the Kammer's?
Ya I got him directly from Kammers. I asked around the forum before and some people say certain chams are just "late bloomers". He is defiantly a male. Every time he sheds he gets a little bit more color. He just got some reds, but you cant really see it in the picture. Color isn't the most important thing to me, but I think he will start getting more soon. 2 months ago he didn't have really any color at all, and now you can see his blues, and sometimes his reds.
What kind of diet, lighting, caging, supplement schedule ect is he on. Because I would second that he is a little small so maybe we can give you some constructive criticism to help out :) and help your boy pack on some size and show us his beautiful color!
What kind of diet, lighting, caging, supplement schedule ect is he on. Because I would second that he is a little small so maybe we can give you some constructive criticism to help out :) and help your boy pack on some size and show us his beautiful color!

Sorry for the late response!
Lighting: 5.0 ubv reptisun strip light
Zoomed blue bulb basking bulb. I change ut the bulb wattage depending on what the weather is supposed to be like. Right now I think it is a 60w. (Washington weather is pretty bipolar!)

I recently updated his supplimenting schedule. ( I just got calcium w/ out d3. My local pet store didnt have it so I ordered it). So now he gets calcium on a daily basis, and I will give him his calcium w/ d3 and herptivite twice a month.
I also recently upgraded him to larger sized crickets. I would say they are close to 3/4". Not quite full grown. I offer him 8 a day
I would offer him more crickets, but 8 is pushing the most he will eat, and I don't want too many left in his cage, due to bad things i have heard in the past :eek:

He is currently in a 18x18x36 inch screen enclosure. For Christmas I'm ordering his full size cage (24x24x48 inch)

I hope he starts growing more, I do recognize he is a little small. I've been trying to get some Phoenix, silk, and horn worms, but my pet store just doesn't carry them. I did seriously consider ordering online, but shipping costs so much I just couldn't do it. So now I'm just waiting for the reptile show to buy some good feeders. :)
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