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  1. ChamyLove

    Hilarious, but very informative video

    He's my favorite. :) His videos are so funny, and then every once in a while, he'll surprise you w/ something really deep!:p
  2. ChamyLove

    The Awesomest shoes ever

    I know right! I wish I was artistic enough to do something like that :cool:
  3. ChamyLove

    The Awesomest shoes ever

    This isn't really directly chameleon related but...... I saw these shoes online and I FLIPPED out. So cool.:eek: I want them so bad. :p *No credit. I searched chameleon photos on Google images and this popped up.
  4. ChamyLove

    Starting to go to sleep earlier?

    Im no expert, but I would defiantly move him or the AC. The cooler temperatures may be confusing him. He probably thinks since it's colder that it will start to get dark sooner.
  5. ChamyLove

    A Cheap Find

    Thank you! I'm looking for things so I can build a free range. I'll probably take your guy's advice and just take some branches from my backyard. :)
  6. ChamyLove

    A Cheap Find

    Okay thank you! I see a lot of people using bamboo on here, do you think using sand paper to give it a texture would help give them grip at all? If not that's fine. I do recommend looking around on this website though. It has a bunch of natural branches, and artificial vines, for really cheap! :D
  7. ChamyLove

    A Cheap Find

    Hi there! I was searching online for bamboo branches, and I came accross these "Jute Sticks". Does anyone know if Jute plant is safe for chameleons? The sticks are also colored. Would I need to do something to make the color safe for the chameleon? I think this is such a good find and I'll...
  8. ChamyLove

    What do you guys think about this...

    More horizontal branches. Create lots of little "Highways" for your chameleon to climb on. :) You also should add some more foliage. Your little guy will want some places to hide.
  9. ChamyLove

    Number Crickets Monthly?

    I have an 8 month old Panther, and I go through about 250 a month.
  10. ChamyLove

    What are Some of Your Favorite Songs and Music Videos?

    I'm honestly not sure what you call this kind of music, But here's some Lana Del Rey and a few others. :D
  11. ChamyLove

    Welcome home Grimbold

    I have a baby from " Ar-Gimilzor" Kammers have kind of strange names for their chameleons then give them nicknames, so I'm not sure if this s the same chameleon. If so, The very first day I got my chameleon; is my avatar, and profile picture. :) When I find my camera charger, I will upload a...
  12. ChamyLove

    Is something wrong?

    Thank you! I will certainly get some calcium w/out d3. Also just an update: Oli is back up and moving. I think he might have just been trying to get away from all the people. :)
  13. ChamyLove

    Is something wrong?

    I'll defiantly do that!! Then, would I dust his food everyday with calcium w/out d3?Or would some days I still not dust them at all?
  14. ChamyLove

    Is something wrong?

    Your Chameleon - Ambilobe panther chameleon, about 8 months old. In my care for just over 3 months Handling - Never, trying to start hand feeding Feeding - 12-14 small sized crickets offered a day, 2 mealworms. Every other day free ranged/cup fed. gutloading on a cycle: calcium +d3, Vitamins...
  15. ChamyLove

    I wish I could post more pictures!

    I wish I could post some more pictures of Oliver, but sadly, I lost my camera's charger.:eek: Luckily we found a cheap one on amazon that we ordered! So hopefully I will be able to share some pics soon. :)
  16. ChamyLove

    Can anyone help?

    He diffidently looks a lot better. :) Hope he continues on his path to good health. :)
  17. ChamyLove

    Worried about lil Chamster

    I would Make sure he is getting enough sleep first. try not turning on any lights that are in the room, or shine through into the room. My cham is a really light sleeper. so on nights when we have people over, I found putting a dark sheet over the cage helped keep out light. :):o
  18. ChamyLove


    Just something I've been wondering for a while: the white part of the poo is urine? So is their pee in solid form? Because I've never seen/ found actual liquid pee from my chameleon.
  19. ChamyLove

    I feel SO bad.

    Awesome! Thank you. I walked in to start his dripper again, and he seemed fine. :)
  20. ChamyLove

    What is the best way to move a chameleon cage?

    This may be kind of a strange question, but My chameleon is currently not in my room, we had to move it after an ant outbreak occured. The situation is controlled now, and I re-organized my room so that the cage wont be on the outside wall. Currently, I am not able to handle him without...
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