This isn't really directly chameleon related but......
I saw these shoes online and I FLIPPED out. So cool.:eek: I want them so bad. :p
*No credit. I searched chameleon photos on Google images and this popped up.
Im no expert, but I would defiantly move him or the AC. The cooler temperatures may be confusing him. He probably thinks since it's colder that it will start to get dark sooner.
Okay thank you! I see a lot of people using bamboo on here, do you think using sand paper to give it a texture would help give them grip at all? If not that's fine. I do recommend looking around on this website though. It has a bunch of natural branches, and artificial vines, for really cheap! :D
Hi there!
I was searching online for bamboo branches, and I came accross these "Jute Sticks". Does anyone know if Jute plant is safe for chameleons? The sticks are also colored. Would I need to do something to make the color safe for the chameleon? I think this is such a good find and I'll...
More horizontal branches. Create lots of little "Highways" for your chameleon to climb on. :) You also should add some more foliage. Your little guy will want some places to hide.
I'm honestly not sure what you call this kind of music, But here's some Lana Del Rey and a few others. :D
I have a baby from " Ar-Gimilzor" Kammers have kind of strange names for their chameleons then give them nicknames, so I'm not sure if this s the same chameleon. If so, The very first day I got my chameleon; is my avatar, and profile picture. :) When I find my camera charger, I will upload a...
Thank you! I will certainly get some calcium w/out d3.
Also just an update: Oli is back up and moving. I think he might have just been trying to get away from all the people. :)
Your Chameleon - Ambilobe panther chameleon, about 8 months old. In my care for just over 3 months
Handling - Never, trying to start hand feeding
Feeding - 12-14 small sized crickets offered a day, 2 mealworms. Every other day free ranged/cup fed. gutloading on a cycle: calcium +d3, Vitamins...
I wish I could post some more pictures of Oliver, but sadly, I lost my camera's charger.:eek: Luckily we found a cheap one on amazon that we ordered! So hopefully I will be able to share some pics soon. :)
I would Make sure he is getting enough sleep first. try not turning on any lights that are in the room, or shine through into the room. My cham is a really light sleeper. so on nights when we have people over, I found putting a dark sheet over the cage helped keep out light. :):o
Just something I've been wondering for a while: the white part of the poo is urine? So is their pee in solid form? Because I've never seen/ found actual liquid pee from my chameleon.
This may be kind of a strange question, but My chameleon is currently not in my room, we had to move it after an ant outbreak occured. The situation is controlled now, and I re-organized my room so that the cage wont be on the outside wall. Currently, I am not able to handle him without...