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  1. FSchams

    New male panther from Kammerflage Kreations

    He is very Beautiful can't wait to see his adult colors keep us posted on his progress !!!
  2. FSchams

    Female Arriving tomorrow

    You should definitley put something in between the two, thy wil both stress if thy see each other
  3. FSchams

    Stronger tree for cage

    I use hibiscus trees in my enclosures they are pretty strong! And it is an attractive plant as well
  4. FSchams

    My Veiled today

    He is a very pretty boy!!!!!
  5. FSchams

    Wandering Veiled Cham

    My baby flapneck also does this alot!
  6. FSchams

    Getting some out of cage time

    Handsome guy you have there!!
  7. FSchams

    Rebel finally had enough....

    I had an adult male veiled chameleon named Charlie that i rescuded from people who were VERY un educated in keeping chameleons. When i got him he wanted to kill everything he bit me till it bled, he nailed me on the finger nail one time and it felt like i slamed my finger into a door!!! It hurt...
  8. FSchams

    B. transvaalense

    This sucks man those guys originate like 60 miles for were i live here in South Africa. They are such beautiful chameleons but sadly i can,t keep them because it is unlegal to own them because the are a native species
  9. FSchams

    Need help! Please!

    You can use that plant it is safe!
  10. FSchams

    Blue Tiger Updated

    Holy s#*t (sorry there is no other word that can describe him):D that must be one of the most stunning panthers i have ever seen. I love the dark blue in his bars!!!
  11. FSchams

    Custom viv reconstruction

    I think thats going to look awesome when it's all done!
  12. FSchams

    Why wont he eat?

    Hi AlanG, your chameleon does not look to much under weight. How long have you had him for? Maby you must try hand feeding, my veiled only eats out of my hand she does not whant to eat out of her feeding cup. Is he drinking? Also i saw when my enclosure gets too cold they won't eat, whats the...
  13. FSchams

    Baby Yemen Shedding?

    Hi Sam, i don't use any kind of substrate in my enclosures because it can be a nice hideing place for parasites and if your cham shoots a bug he can eat a peace of bark and thats not good. It's normal to worry i also worried alot in the beginning, btw your cham and enclosure look stunning!
  14. FSchams

    Vivariums for my johnstoni

    wow!!!! I try and i try but my enclosures never look as nice as yours. Great job!!!!
  15. FSchams

    Are these roaches safe??

    Hi everyone, are these roaches safe to give to my chameleons? I found them in my garden
  16. FSchams

    New to this forum here are My Chams

    Thanks for making me feel so welcome, people are so friedly on this forum!!
  17. FSchams

    New to this forum here are My Chams

    Hi, i'm new to the forum i've been keeping chameleons for about two years now , here are my jewels!:)
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