New male panther from Kammerflage Kreations


New Member
I've had Loki now for just over a month and he is growing like a weed. Hey wasn't cheap but definitely worth it. He's only 5 months old in this pic. Can't wait for his big boy colors.


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Congrats on your new cham, and welcome to the forum.
You have good taste, that's a very nice one, and you couldnt have picked
better breeders to buy from, the Kammer's are super ppl, and really care
for and love all their chams.
I have a Kammer's cham too, Squee came from them.
Dont forget to post a pic in the Kammer's babies thread ;)
Here's some pics of when I first got him and the last photo was taken today during his first shed for me.


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I am hoping to order a Panther from Kammers VERY soon!! I am ready for a second chameleon and they look the most promising with all the pictures I've seen and now after this!! :eek::D
Have fun with Loki and enjoy!!!!!
He looks awesome!! Looks a lot like my Sunfire boy did at that age. I have a thread with a few recent pics of him. He was the most fun out of all of my chams to watch change and develop. Soooo many changes!!

Have fun!!
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