I feel that the female Ambilobe Panther girls are highly underrated. Just take a look at this gorgeous girl!
P.S. She's available if anybody is interested! ?
Our next clutch of YBBB babies have arrived. We are incredibly excited for these boys and girls as this pairing is killer. I'll add pictures of the babies later today once I get home from work.
Here is the breakdown of the lineage for the Sire & Dam.
Sire's Lineage:
Dam's Lineage:
We still have 1 male Ambilobe boy left, and two females. I need to make some more room. Picture of the male is a week old, pictures of the females are about three weeks old. Will post update photos when I get home from work. Last three photos are Sire and Dam.
We are located in the Tampa Bay - FL area, we would be willing to meet somewhere nearby in our area. We have one boy currently big/old enough to head to his new home.
No worries at all Junior, cant have anybody feeling like they were left hanging!
As I said before. We still have a few available that are starting to come in to their colors nicely.
Hello All,
We have two males still available from our Zeppelin x Kashmir pairing.
Males: $325 + Shipping
First / Second Picture: Sire (Zeppelin - Suncoast Chameleons)
Third Picture: Dam (Kashmir - Chromatic Chameleons)
Fourth Picture: Dam's Lineage (Courtesy of Chromatic Chameleons &...
I'd say five gallons is optimal. I run three different mist king pumps (7 adult cages, 40 hatchling / juvenile cages) so I keep a 55gal reservoir with RO water. Before the large reservoir, I was using one five gallon bucket per pump that I would refill once a week.