Best substrates/ soil mixtures ?

Does anyone know what the best mixtures are to buy im trying to create a boi active cage but i dont really know what sort of soil i should be buying in order to allow plant growth
I like sunshine mix and foxfarms. You're going to have to do some research to find out what works for your situation. Like how much drainage you need, what your plants prefer, etc
I dont think i can even get a drainage tube in my cage is it necessary to have one or can i do without?
Ive looked into some but halve of these guys are American and i cant even get the stuff they have in the uk heres what im looking at now are these any good ? Obviously ima buy the isopods/lil mess eating bugs later


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Ive looked into some but halve of these guys are American and i cant even get the stuff they have in the uk heres what im looking at now are these any good ? Obviously ima buy the isopods/lil mess eating bugs later

Don't know those brands or what is in them.

Basically you want.

Base: Coco Coir / Peat Moss

Drainage Helper: Orchid Bark, Shredded Bark, Perlite, Grow Stones, Lava Rock, Tree Fern Sticks whatever.

Moisture Rentention: Sphagnum Moss.

Then if you want additives like Natural Ferts, Charcoal, Mycorrhizae have at it.

How much of each of the above, depends on how wet you the want the soil to stay. The humidity levels, you are after ect.

2-1-2 works good for high water plants,
1-1-1 is more of a middle ground,
1-2-1 will be very fast draining.
Thankyou very much ill look into it and see what i can get and by base you mean i want coco coir and peat moss at the bottom of the cage or at the top ?
@cyberlocc created this blog, which is basically bioactive 101. I couldn’t find fox farms or sunshine mix#4 except on line with crazy shipping costs, so made my own mix. I also couldn’t find hydro balls locally, so used lava rock. I put screening between the lava rocks and the soil.
Im the opposite i can find hydro balls but i cant find lava rocks ?but okay ty i tried to go on his page but its says its limted to members but with your lava rocks are you putting seeds in with the rocks i just dont understand the purpose of those hydro balls / lava rocks needing screening between the two
Im the opposite i can find hydro balls but i cant find lava rocks ?but okay ty i tried to go on his page but its says its limted to members but with your lava rocks are you putting seeds in with the rocks i just dont understand the purpose of those hydro balls / lava rocks needing screening between the two
The hydro balls/lava rock are to provide a drainage layer so that your soil isn’t constantly drenched. The screening/divider between the drainage layer is for that same the soil can drain excess moisture. No seeds...I used live relatively mature plants in the soil layer. I would think your clean up crew would eat any seeds you try planting.
So ima need grow balls at the bottom then orchid bark followed by bark chips then coco coir on top ?
Heres my soil layering (Bottom>Top):
1) Hydro Balls
2) Screen / weed guard
3) Carbon / organic hardwood lump charcoal
Organic potting soil mixed with spagnum moss, orchid bark, tree fern, coco fiber and vermiculite (I also added some leaf litter in as well). The soil mixture is mixed thoroughly.
4) Leaf Litter / Spagnum moss
I'd recommend a drain port. Whether you run it through the bottom of you substrate layer or use some PVC pipe running vertically through your substrate bin, going from the bottom of the hydroballs to the top of the soil. I use a 4" Diameter - PVC pipe with a drain cover. This allows be to suck out any access water with my shop vac. If you do things right (watering / soil mix and plants), you will rarely / if ever, need to drain it out. Two of my enclosures MIGHT need to be drained once ever few months and that's if I'm misting heavily. Two of my others require draining once a month tops.
Heres my soil layering (Bottom>Top):
1) Hydro Balls
2) Screen / weed guard
3) Carbon / organic hardwood lump charcoal
Organic potting soil mixed with spagnum moss, orchid bark, tree fern, coco fiber and vermiculite (I also added some leaf litter in as well). The soil mixture is mixed thoroughly.
4) Leaf Litter / Spagnum moss
Thank you my friend ive got most of that ordered however i got rid of the orchid bark and replaced it with worm casting as it was getting to be 50 pounds just on soil however most of the vids advise it so it looks like im putting it back on my list ? i tried to get the hydro balls on Amazon but it says it was gonna take 2 months so it look like ive gotta go down to my local hydroponics and see if they've got em in
Thank you my friend ive got most of that ordered however i got rid of the orchid bark and replaced it with worm casting as it was getting to be 50 pounds just on soil however most of the vids advise it so it looks like im putting it back on my list ? i tried to get the hydro balls on Amazon but it says it was gonna take 2 months so it look like ive gotta go down to my local hydroponics and see if they've got em in
No problem at all! The local hyrdoponics shop should have them, if not... pond stones will work for what you need.
Thank you my friend ive got most of that ordered however i got rid of the orchid bark and replaced it with worm casting as it was getting to be 50 pounds just on soil however most of the vids advise it so it looks like im putting it back on my list ? i tried to get the hydro balls on Amazon but it says it was gonna take 2 months so it look like ive gotta go down to my local hydroponics and see if they've got em in
How'd the project go?!
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