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  1. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    Reply The reason why I haven't bothered her getting surgery is also becauase the growth doesn't seem to bother her. When the vet pulled and poked it, Bettie did get a little irritated but other than that shes been fine. The growth is very hard and flaky like in the middle like the one you...
  2. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    Thank you Monkeykungphu. I will definitely post what the vet says and keep everyone updated with how Bettie is doing.
  3. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    Thank you everyone for helping me figure out what this thing could be on Betties head. I really appreciate it. I have taken a few more pictures of her growth today and posted them below.
  4. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Growth on Head

    Hi zoieaj, Did you ever find out what was growing on your chameleons head. I have a female veiled chameleon who is 3 years old and has the same thing except bigger. She is eating fine and appears to be healthy other than the huge growth continuously growing on her head. If you could get back...
  5. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    I really hope she doesn't die. I just found a few reptile vets in the bay area that are about 45 mins away so I will be taking her soon for sure. I found a few posts on different forums about 2 chameleons with the same thing as Bettie, the only reply said it could be an absess or a tumor.
  6. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    The growth looks a lot like a wart, but from what i've been reading it seems like it could be a parasitic infection of some sort. I'm going to try to get in contact with another reptile vet near me.
  7. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    I will take some closer pictures and post them a.s.a.p.
  8. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    The vet told me that she wasn't sure what it was. She thought it could be the pox virus, but she said she'd never seen something like that before so she took a picture to put in a reptile vet forum. Its been a couple months since then and she never got back to me. I talked to the local reptile...
  9. LilMissBettiePaige7

    Veiled Chameleon with a large growth on her head

    I have a female veiled chameleon who is about 3 years old and has a large growth that is continously growing on her head. She has had this growth for about 8 months now and started off small, white, and hard and is now large, white, hard, and has a weird orange thing forming off the top of the...
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