Ok. So a bought my friend a leopard gecko. I have been reading a lot of contradicting information on proper diet. I know that mealworms/giant mealworms and super worms are generally too fatty as a staple diet for most herps. I have been reading that this does not apply to leopard geckos? Can...
I'm from south FL and go to school in south carolina. Im gunna be driving home over winter break and i wanna take my cham with me. The only problem is that i drive a jeep wrangler with no back windows. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how i could keep my chameleon warm during the 8...
I was just wondering the other day if there is a way to deduce how an adult chameleons colors will turn out based on how they look as babies... i notice that the color of my veiled and other veileds are so diverse. just wondering if these differences can some how be seen at the younger stages...
thanks for the reply Cainschams.
referring to the size of the spider hes pretty full grown. body size is about and inch... with legs he is probably 2-3 inches in diameter. its deffinately not a baby haha
the more i research... the worse of an idea this becomes haha. probably wont end up feeding this thing to my cham unless someone else has had experience with feeding such a spider to their cham...
excuse me.... i thought this species was a banana spider. after further research i discovered that its actually called "Golden silk orb-weaver." i see these spiders quite often and have always heard they are nothing to be afraid of (non-venamous). heres a link to the type of spider it is...
so... as i posted yesterday i was gunna search for some wild caught insects. i was trailblazing thru the woods today and caught a banana spider, a cricket, and a grasshopper (grasshopper recently escaped in my kitchen tho. awesome, right?).
i recall reading that veiled do indeed eat...
I was wondering what type of insects are "safe" to catch and feed to my v. cham. How can i tell if an insect is dangerous or not? of course i would be collecting from a pesticide free area. I live and go to school in charleston, sc so i was thinking about gathering field plankton from marsh...
I think the buzzing of the UV light in my zoo-med hood is bothering my veiled cham. has anyone every observed problems like this before?? if so what kind of hood would you suggest to replace it?
Also... it started getting cold recently so i bought a Exo Terra Heat Glo Infrared bulb. i...
Can i feed my v. cham giant meal worms once they reach the pupal stage? i left my tub unrefridgerated for a couple of days and a bunch of them are in a very soft bodied pupal stage...
thanks for your input!
What is everyones take on coil UVB bulbs?
Are the safe? do they work as well as the tubes?
The reason i ask is because i own one similar to the one in the link except the only difference is its a 10.0 not 5.0 and...
Yes im talking about in Yemen. I ask because I want to do some research to see if i can make a biotope specific enclosure.
Mostly just interested in knowing....
regarding veiled chams
so as i have posted early, i want to move the enclosure to the window. in doing so tho at the hottest point of the day at the hottest part of the cage temperatures reach as high as 107f. i tried using a lower wattage bulb but then the morning and early day temps are...
Hey there. I have an empty 10x10x18 screen enclosure that i used for my veiled when he was a baby.
Could i use this enclosure to house a pair of pygmys?
Any other ideas for a good use of this enclosure are also greatly appreciated.
Hey i was wondering if anyone could steer me into the direction of some good information about veiled chams in the wild, what they eat... specific plants...
yeah, im in the same county. I regular check the temperatures. altough temperatures get as high as 104, he has tons of shadey spots to escape to and i also have a misting system which i run for a couple of minutes each day. He's been out there for about 4 or 5 days now. but between the hot...
I recently moved my chameleon into an outdoor enclosure and i live in south FL. He gets plenty of heat and sun light from sunrise until the afternoon showers(around 3pm and may last as long as sundown). the temperature never drops below 77 during the storms and i put a piece of ply wood over...