banana spider?


New Member
so... as i posted yesterday i was gunna search for some wild caught insects. i was trailblazing thru the woods today and caught a banana spider, a cricket, and a grasshopper (grasshopper recently escaped in my kitchen tho. awesome, right?).

i recall reading that veiled do indeed eat spiders. does anyone have any insight on the safeness of feeding a banana spider to him?
the more i research... the worse of an idea this becomes haha. probably wont end up feeding this thing to my cham unless someone else has had experience with feeding such a spider to their cham...
Wiki says. "The venom of the golden silk orb-weaver is potent but not lethal to humans. It has a neurotoxic effect similar to that of the black widow spider; however, its venom is not nearly as powerful. The bite causes local pain, redness, and blisters that normally disappear within a 24-hour interval. In rare cases, it might trigger allergic reactions and result in respiratory troubles (in asthmatics) or fast-acting involuntary muscle cramps. As the genus possesses relatively strong chelicera, the bite could leave a scar on hard tissue (such as fingers)."

I dont have any experience feeding that particular species of orb weaver but I have fed off quite a few other species along with crab, wolf, daddy long leg, etc, spiders. I would feed it off if it isnt huge. The spiders I feed are dead before they even get into the mouth of the cham. The force of the tongue giving it a good thump usually disables them.

Edit: Some keepers are even known to feed off black widows. I personally wouldnt feed them but that is just because I wouldnt try to capture one to throw into a cage.
thanks for the reply Cainschams.

referring to the size of the spider hes pretty full grown. body size is about and inch... with legs he is probably 2-3 inches in diameter. its deffinately not a baby haha
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