Thanks to all who answered . I took her to vet on Monday. She was diagnosed with possibility vit. A deficiency and given a shot. She was to go back to vet for review yesterday but she passed away. Vet thought there maybe something else wrong under lying.Just wish I knew what the root of the...
Have taken my girl cham. to another vet today. He's given her a shot for possible vit A deficiency.She's to go back on Wednesday for either another shot or tests.
Kinyonga- I've answered most of your questions on the uk site captive bred forum. However some more answers for you- no, the vet didn't do a blood test, he didn't seem to know much about chams. I've no plastic or glass under uvb light.I'm trying another vet tomorrow who has more experience with...
She started eye problem last Saturday. Yes, I supplement and gut load insects.She has umberella plant in her viv. a few silk plants and branches.Visited vet. who said vit A deficiency as her eyes are clean but I don't think he has much experience with chams.I'm able to handle her which is not...
All my screen vivs are sprayed twice daily plus extra light misting when weather is warmer than usual for uk.No substrate on bottom which is wiped soon after spraying.Can't understand why only one cham. has this eye problem. There's no ficus plant in the viv. that could have been the cause.
can anyone tell me what could be wrong with my cham. girls eyes please? Both eyes are bulging as on photo with no discharge.My other chams. are all ok. Could it be lack of vit A?
Would like opinions on the locale of this boy please. I got him as a blue bar Ambilobe but have had some comments on his orange/red background colour which has some people saying he could be a hybrid? Can anyone help me sort this out? He is 2 years old the guy I got him from has no info on the...