I just moved to the Chicago area with my Jacksons chameleon. I put him in a small cage, put him in the back seat and secured the cage so that it wouldn't move around. I covered him with a jacket so it would be dark for him. He slept most of the way (3 day trip) and when I got him to the hotel...
My jackson did the same thing. I just put them in a cup, and left him to eat them on his own terms. They slowly started disappearing within a couple of hours. :)
I've tried feeding mine mustard greens and kiwi, he never touched it. I just gut load my crickets with leafy greens and veggies and he is doing just peachy.
Go to the sponsors websites in the top right corner of the screen. A lot of them have beginner packages for chameleons you can look at those. They have everything you need. You really do need UVB lighting!
Here is some recommended information to include when asking for help in the health clinic forum. By providing this information, you will receive more accurate and beneficial responses. It might not be necessary to answer all these questions, but the more you provide the better. Please remember...
Do you have him/her in a glass or screen enclosure? (should be screen) If you post some pictures of him/her the other members may be able to identify the kind of cham you have and if it is a male or female for ya. :)
I've been saying prayers all day!! I also have friends stationed over on the main land and on Okinawa. We haven't heard anything from them yet, but I'm sure they're fine. It's absolutely tragic, and I've almost cried twice at work today looking at all of the pictures. :-/ I really hope they need...
I have my cage on top of an egg crate light cover on top of a concrete mixing tub I got from Home Depot. It is a lot wider than my cage, so it catches all of the overspray from my mister. I found the idea here in the forums. I just need to set it up so I don't have to move everything around to...