I'm glad it all worked out for you. There is a way to get rid of most of the drama in shipping but it won't work for everybody. Find out where to the closest FedEx distribution center is and if it's not to far just have the package kept there. I'm fortunate as I'm within 10 minutes of one. It's...
Yeah she does look huge. When I mentioned having the fruit flies on hand it wasn't a hypothetical statement. I resonantly bought two sisters a month a part, they were both about a half to two thirds as big as yours is. So I was thinking post baby or preteen. Well I have them caged outside and...
First off maybe try to post some pictures of your new female Jackson and some more experienced keepers might be able to tell if she's pregnant. If there is a chance that she is pregnant having a culture of fruit flies on hand is not a bad idea. Remember Jackson's are live bearing and you could...
One more plug for the SBCK meetings is that there is often other feeders available.
At the last meeting for instance there where Silk Worms, Horn Worms and Dubias. There was also an assortment of Preying Mantises and some CB Carpet Chameleons for sale. OK the Carpet's where not really feeders...
The first question is how many crickets do you need at one time. If your only feeding one or two Chameleons buying in bulk might not make sense, as the smallest bulk order is usually 500. I go to Reptile Finders in Lomita and crickets are 30 for a dollar. If you need more you could always go to...
Well not to be left out I have 13 hatched out and 17 left to go. The rest of the eggs all look good just taking their time.
Paul seeing how your driving distance away or a SBCK meeting away we might want to think about trading some little ones to get some different blood lines going. It's a...
I'll be there and I'll bring my male montuim fulfilling the two horn cham category. Who has a one horned cham, I have a Meller's but they don't have much of a horn, especially if they where wild caught.
On a side note my africanus eggs have started to hatch. I have 5 so far and 25 eggs left to...
Goatsniper: I see you live in San Diego, in 3 weeks there will be a Reptile Super Show at the Concourse/Civic Center. It's on the 6/30-7/01 there great shows and you can see before you buy. No pesky shipping charges and there are deals to be had there.
I do essentially what Lily does except I use the water tap from my espresso machine. The waters around 240degs until it hits the air then it cool to around 212. I then mix up the powder, if it still seems a bit thin when cooled just throw it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds and it will dry it...
The one thing I like about Harbor Freight Tools is you know your getting inexpensive Chinese products. Some are real crap and some are pretty descent. You can often find the same products at the big box stores in prettier packages for a lot more money.
Rob: Do they have them in the store or do...
I had a female drop 37 living and 2 dead babies. I got her gravid from Hermosa Reptile before they had them in Hawaii. No wonder it seems so long ago, it was.
I'm on board for having pure blood lines as well as having crosses. The problem is the girls and truthfulness. Most female panthers look alike and we have to hope that from the person yanking it out of the tree, to the person retailing it that the cham is what it's being sold as. I'm hoping in...
The one thing that would be kind of refreshing is to have a Faly cross and admit it up front, instead of starting flame wars when you get caught. I have a panther and it's a mutt but I knew that when I bought him, so crosses are fine by me.