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  1. whatnowcustoms

    REALLY need help re: neonate feeding !

    I didn't bash her. I had 1 question cause I was curious why she did something she did? Sorry for being curious. Isn't a forum where you ask questions to learn about something or a situation? Again I did not attack or bash her I asked 1 simple question cause from this thread, her thread about...
  2. whatnowcustoms

    REALLY need help re: neonate feeding !

    Sorry if I bothered you Rob but I had 1 question and 1 statement that I knew she wasn't going to answer the question over there. I have been on this site for a few months now I didn't just join to come bash her, but if i have a question i should be allowed to ask it without you jumping on my case.
  3. whatnowcustoms

    REALLY need help re: neonate feeding !

    My question is if you are taking responsibility for your own unpreparedness then why do you have a paypal dispute trying to get your $ back? Also I read in both posts here and on fauna that you said you will never deal with an independent seller again. Just remember every big name breeder was a...
  4. whatnowcustoms

    REALLY need help re: neonate feeding !

    ^^^ i agree with dennis
  5. whatnowcustoms

    Why only certain cross breeds?

    ok as my 1st post here is my 2 cents on the subject. now i may be new to here but i am certainly not new to reptiles. i've been a zookeeper on and off for the past 14 years now and have kept and bred many species of reptiles and amphibians over the years. Now i have just recently decided that...
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