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  1. W

    How many crickets should I give?

    So, female cham, maybe 1 year old, just laid unfertile eggs last week. The guy I got her from last month would give her 30 crickets about every 3 days. I've changed this up a bit since I want to know exactly how many she eats. I've searched all the blogs and Google but can only come up with the...
  2. W

    When can I remove the egg bucket?

    Eggs! 50!! Ok, I removed the bucket, dug 1/2 way down, discovered 50 eggs!!! I still can't believe all of this. Thought she was a male, threw a bucket in there, down she went, out she came, and there you go, 50 eggs. So exciting even though they're not fertile. I'm glad she made it, I'll be...
  3. W

    When can I remove the egg bucket?

    O.k. cool, I will take it out this evening after she goes to sleep. Thank you very much! By the way, we're changing Wally's name to Beans. Seems that's a girl lizard's name on the Rango movie... (my 11 year old's idea). After watching her do all that work, seems Joan of Ark is more appropriate!
  4. W

    When can I remove the egg bucket?

    Yes, I would like to leave it in there... but what I wanted to find out is when can I take it out to remove the eggs and rearrange things properly? Is the day after she came out of there too soon? I just don't want to stress her out, but evidently I need to change out my plants and fix up the...
  5. W

    When can I remove the egg bucket?

    My supposed "male" laid eggs in the 5 gal. bucket.. but when is it o.k. to remove the bucket? They are not fertile, was a last second effort to get it in there since I thought she was a male... so needless to say I need to rearrange everything. When can I take it out and check it out and give...
  6. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Help with the liquid calcium now I picked it up from Petco, but Wally won't open her mouth except to hiss.. I'm not sure if this is going to work. Bottle says a 1/4 tsp. 3 times a week (I assume this is for ones that just laid eggs?) but how the heck do you get them to take it? I also have...
  7. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    She's finally finished! So, Wally stayed in the bucket all night, was asleep at 8 am, started digging again at 9 am, went in and didn't come out until about 3 pm and started filling in the hole. She looked like hell, all covered in sand and skinny as all get out...looked like something the cat...
  8. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Decidedly female So she's still in there, she's got a nice tunnel but I didn't moisten it enough for sure. I can only hope she's ok. The other forum discussions on egg laying say that it only takes a few hours? At least someone commented their's was down for 6 hors and the responses indicated...
  9. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Male or Female Thanks very much for the info everyone. I will replace the heat bulb and the tube...especially since there is a question about the tube. I'll also research the egg laying part. Thank God I found this site and the helpful people on here. Yes, she's still down there, this...
  10. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Male or female O.k., sounds like I need to change things up a bit. I have too many questions about your response... I've done so much research and things are always different. First off, I ran to the hardware store tonight, got 5 gal. bucket, playground sand, lightly moistened it and stirred...
  11. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Male or female Hope this answers everything: Veiled chameleon, sex unknown at the moment. 11 months old. Have owned for 3 weeks. Was told it was male. Eats about 20 crickets every 3 days if that, just introduced Mealworms (3 a day) and waxworms (2 a day) Crickets are dusted with Reptivite...
  12. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Male or female Wow, I just tried to post a huge response with all of the questions answered about my chameleon.. but at the end, it kicked back and said I was not logged in.. what the heck? I'm afraid to try again, it took me forever and had to change my password!
  13. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Male or female Oh my God, you're kidding! So, tell me, how you can tell without seeing the legs..just curious. I will fill out the questionairre soon but have to get over the shock for a minute.. And, what's the deal with a 5 gallon bucket? That seems crazy big. Won't the sand collapse on...
  14. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Male or female Sorry guys, I can't figure out how to attach the photo and don't see any instructions here...oh, there it goes. O.k., don't want to disturb him at the moment because I just finished cleaning his cage.. but here is a general photo from a couple weeks ago. I will have to take a...
  15. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Male or female Thanks for the quick reply..I'll try to figure out how to get a photo on here... He/she is mostly green.. Please tell me the dimensions of the egg laying box that may be needed so I can round something up. I'll go get the right type of sand tomorrow morning. How deep does it need...
  16. W

    Is my veiled male or female?

    Hi, I'm new to this site and would like some help. I have a new veiled, was told it's a male (11 months old) but I cannot see any sign of a "spur on the hind legs at all. Please tell me if there is another way to tell? He's been digging on the bottom of the cage for a week straight. I've only...
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