Is my veiled male or female?

Decidedly female

So she's still in there, she's got a nice tunnel but I didn't moisten it enough for sure. I can only hope she's ok. The other forum discussions on egg laying say that it only takes a few hours? At least someone commented their's was down for 6 hors and the responses indicated that was a long time... I covered the front part of the tank with a blanket so she's not disturbed but can still peek. I can't see her tail anymore... should I keep lightly misting the top of the sand though?
I'm almost positive she wasn't near a male last month, I've had her 3 weeks now so I guess the eggs can't be fertile...don't want that complication either.

I will post photos of the enclosure at some point. For now, it's covered.
Thanks again everyone.
Any cool female name suggestions for Wally? haha
So she's still in there, she's got a nice tunnel but I didn't moisten it enough for sure. I can only hope she's ok. The other forum discussions on egg laying say that it only takes a few hours? At least someone commented their's was down for 6 hors and the responses indicated that was a long time... I covered the front part of the tank with a blanket so she's not disturbed but can still peek. I can't see her tail anymore... should I keep lightly misting the top of the sand though?
I'm almost positive she wasn't near a male last month, I've had her 3 weeks now so I guess the eggs can't be fertile...don't want that complication either.

I will post photos of the enclosure at some point. For now, it's covered.
Thanks again everyone.
Any cool female name suggestions for Wally? haha

Just let her do her thing, youll know shes done when she comes up and the hole has been filled in.
As long as when you peek she doesnt see you, youre fine. I would suggest trying to mist but not if she can see you.
As for the eggs, good, you dont need the added stress.
and as for a name for the former wally, I would suggest... peaches. Dunno why, just what i thought when i saw her.
She's finally finished!

So, Wally stayed in the bucket all night, was asleep at 8 am, started digging again at 9 am, went in and didn't come out until about 3 pm and started filling in the hole. She looked like hell, all covered in sand and skinny as all get out...looked like something the cat dragged in. After a few days of not eating and then working so hard she was ready for some nourishment!! She ate 7 crickets, 3 tiny mealworms and one waxworm then took a 10 minute warm water spray bath. She actually stood on her hind legs, facing up to receive the water. Had sand all over her so I just kept it up until she turned away.. she was a little worn out and had trouble getting up to bask but after 10 minutes of that, she wanted more water! She kept rubbing her face against the limb, trying to get the sand off. I'm so relieved she made it out of there o.k. An hour later she was back to the task of burying things a little better. Around 7 pm she decided to go back and bury things even more. Still have the towel up on the side so she can be let alone in peace. What a day! I think it wore her out pretty good so will pick up the liquid calcium tomorrow for an extra boost. I'm really glad you guys were here for the quick input, thanks again! :)
Help with the liquid calcium now

I picked it up from Petco, but Wally won't open her mouth except to hiss.. I'm not sure if this is going to work. Bottle says a 1/4 tsp. 3 times a week (I assume this is for ones that just laid eggs?) but how the heck do you get them to take it? I also have great confusion on the vitamin thing. Was told to find calcium withour D3 for daily feeding when I dust the crickets but all 3 stores, all 3 brands say Calcium with D3... at least it's phosphorus free. Anfd then on each multi vitamin brand, each one lists the doasges in Iu's or Kg or mg/kg...OMG, how much is right?
I have Reptivite with D3 10,300 IU per lb. or 22,907 IU per kg. What does that mean? Why list it per pound? The whole bottle only weighs 2 ounces! (or 56.7 grams)
And I have Reptocal includes calcium with both bottles say only use 2 to 3 times a week, light dusting. Are these BOTH multivitamins? Should I only be using one? And now I can't find Calcium without D3..(non Phosphorus)
I know this has already been answered early but not clearly on the multi-vita part. I think...
I picked it up from Petco, but Wally won't open her mouth except to hiss.. I'm not sure if this is going to work. Bottle says a 1/4 tsp. 3 times a week (I assume this is for ones that just laid eggs?) but how the heck do you get them to take it? I also have great confusion on the vitamin thing. Was told to find calcium withour D3 for daily feeding when I dust the crickets but all 3 stores, all 3 brands say Calcium with D3... at least it's phosphorus free. Anfd then on each multi vitamin brand, each one lists the doasges in Iu's or Kg or mg/kg...OMG, how much is right?
I have Reptivite with D3 10,300 IU per lb. or 22,907 IU per kg. What does that mean? Why list it per pound? The whole bottle only weighs 2 ounces! (or 56.7 grams)
And I have Reptocal includes calcium with both bottles say only use 2 to 3 times a week, light dusting. Are these BOTH multivitamins? Should I only be using one? And now I can't find Calcium without D3..(non Phosphorus)
I know this has already been answered early but not clearly on the multi-vita part. I think...

Glad your girl is doing okay!! I was in the same boat as you, got a "complete package" at a reptile expo which came with calcium with d3, and reptivite with d3. I wasn't able to find any d3-free calcium at Petsmart or any of my other local pet stores.. had to order online from LLLreptile.
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