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  1. UKFudge


    thanks for the picture I do apretiate the effort (even if i cant spell it) !! I have in mind the water usage, but also a bonsai that could do with the watering .. Cheers guys for the info
  2. UKFudge


    Thanks for the technique .. I will try and arrange things so I can do this to my guys as they run and hide when I spray in their enclosure. They seem to not like to get wet at all ?!!? I see them often drinking from off leaves and I have witnessed once one of them using his tounge to get a drop...
  3. UKFudge


    Hello I have read here often about giving our chams warm showers for health issues .. Of course without actually getting out the soap on a rope and sharing this personal time with a pet in one hand, how is the best way to do this ..? Also what is the benefit .. I would just like to know to...
  4. UKFudge

    Should I feel guilty?

    Great video .. Scunthorpe is basking in a late bit of sun right now and my little two will be out in the next 30 mins !!!! ..
  5. UKFudge

    New Owner with an eye question. Sorry for double post .. I have been looking around this site and found this
  6. UKFudge

    New Owner with an eye question.

    My little guy has been doing this, but he also never opens his eye ... I have read on here and see eye drops for reptiles ?? !! Seems an idea, but I guess I may just use the saline and try that first .. My guy seems to have not eaten much scince this problem, has yours at all ??
  7. UKFudge

    Quick hello

    Thanks for the extra link there .. I am splitting them up very soon, this picture is at home ... But I am back on here for advice . The smaller guy has a problem.. He seems slow and has a slower growth than the other guy who has already shed skin . He only ever opens one eye and I have seen him...
  8. UKFudge

    Quick hello

  9. UKFudge

    Quick hello

  10. UKFudge

    Quick hello

    Not sure I really know how to put a picture up ...
  11. UKFudge

    Quick hello

  12. UKFudge

    Quick hello

    The pet shop has told me two weeks now as the babies are in his opinion to small and young at the moment .. :( . Fair enough I guess . I will be looking at a screen enclosure once this one gets to big for the small case I have .. But with live plants only in there I am getting between 70% and...
  13. UKFudge

    Quick hello

    Yeah it seem silly but I will find out what species on friday when i pick the "baby" up .. .. The heat pad wont be turned on then, but it is stuck to the bottom as it is .. . Well thats put any doubt in my mind to ease by just not really using the waterfall .. .. So soon I will have a spare case...
  14. UKFudge

    Quick hello

    Hello members .. I am a beardie owner and have moved my interests to a more exotic (as I see it) and perhaps more interesting animal to care for .. I have a glass case made by exo terra that Shelia used to live in which is 45 x 45 x 60 cm / 18” x 18” x 24” (WxDxH) .. I have a ficus retusa...
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