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  1. M

    baby cham, dehydrated, laying on floor of cage...please help!

    Thank you all for the fast responses, unfortunately our cham died last sad.......
  2. M

    baby cham, dehydrated, laying on floor of cage...please help!

    Heres some info about our little guy approx 5-6 months old we've had for maybe 2 months we keep him in a glass aquarium for now while he is so small, plastic plants and things to climb on. Heated lamp (temp around high 70's low 80's through day) basking light...low humidity. seems to poop...
  3. M

    health questions about my baby veiled

    I am new to this site, and am hoping to find someone who can also help with my chamelon. He probably is about 5-6 months old. He was doing great until about a week ago, now appears to be dehydrated and very weak. We read somewhere to hand feed him (pedialyte, mashed crickets and a little...
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