Search results

  1. Bacodog

    Feeding Baby Veileds

    My friend had his first ever batch of eggs hatch...most of the eggs didn't make it due to handling error unfortunately, but 5 made it. He gave me 2 and they are doing very great! I have 2 Jackson's that have always done great and they will eat and drink out of my hand if I have the time. Which...
  2. Bacodog

    Feeding Baby Veileds

    I have 2, 2 and a half week old Veileds and I mist them twice a day as well as make sure they are always provided small crickets. They look very healthy and alert, their eyes are nice and bulgy but I have NEVER seen them eat or drink. The crickets seem to slowly disappear but don't want to...
  3. Bacodog

    Animal Hoarding?

    60 chameleons? Are you counting all the babies? 4 Chameleons- Jackson's and Veiled 3 Dogs- Jack Russell, Rat Terrier, Australian Shepard 2 Bearded Dragons 1 Spotted Turtle 1 Saltwater Fish tank ...possibly another leopard gecko in the future because little one's died
  4. Bacodog

    Mouth swollen?

    It sounds and looks to me like the beginning stages of mouth rot. I recently experienced this with my cham and took her to the vet where they did have to look inside the mouth to confirm. Although my vet was defiantly not a reptile expert by any means, it was obvious by the way she handled my...
  5. Bacodog

    Quick question!

    I agree that it is a reaction to something that scares them. My personal experience is that if it is dark in the area while you hold them, you are moving them too quickly, or sometimes putting your face too close they will close their eyes and wait for danger to pass. As they get more used to...
  6. Bacodog

    Jackson Chameleon Care

    I have 2 jackson's the male tolerates me and sometime enjoys a little attention and has NEVER acted aggressively. The female I adore and she will actually beg to be picked up. On these days she is content riding around on my shoulder or head and will be very social with other people, even the...
  7. Bacodog

    Need ideas for matching names!

    Itchy and Scratchy....I like that, we will see how it goes over :)
  8. Bacodog

    Need ideas for matching names!

    Thanks guys this has helped!
  9. Bacodog

    Need ideas for matching names!

    I have 2 jackson's named Romeo and Juliet (They of course hate each other though) and 2 veileds, one male, one female have recently entered my life but I don't know what to name them!!! Any ideas on male and female matching names? No to Bonnie and Clyde... Already have one vote for Stinky...
  10. Bacodog

    How many do you have??

    1.1 Jackson's 1.1 Veiled
  11. Bacodog

    Where can I get a Jackson's chameleon?

    Try classifieds, they had some there last time I checked!
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