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  1. D

    Area By Area (& country) Vet list

    Phoenix Metro Area, Arizona Dr. Kevin Wright Wright Bird & Exotic Pet House Calls (480) 495-3420 Dr. Wright is board certified in reptile medicine and has much experience with chameleons. He is phenomenal...very knowledgeable, thorough, intuitive, insightful, compassionate...
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    Literally can not

    their feet & toes too, and their slow, rhythmic, methodical movements... little Tai Chi masters they are :)
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    Literally can not

    I so needed this right now, it helps. such precious babies, more than words can say... thank you. really, thank you.
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    Loose stool

    Can you be more specific? Which part is more liquid - the white urates, the brown fecal, both? Any change in color or smell? If it's only the white urates that are runny-ish, then yeah, it's likely from the silks because they do a great job of mega hydrating. She's just ridding herself of extra...
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    Vets visit...need some guidance

    Here's my two cents: You didn't mention much about your vet. Hopefully (and I'll assume so), your vet is experienced with chams, preferably board certified in reptiles too, but minimally has solid experience & knowledge with/about chams. If not, ask him/her to refer you elsewhere or check the...
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    what a HUGE relief!!! omg, omg, omg!!!

    "grasshopper learns well"....ha haha hahahaha! tooooo funny...but hey, she's got what it takes! :D :D
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    what a HUGE relief!!! omg, omg, omg!!!

    heh heh heh really?? well, ok then, here we go! ready? :D so, tell me...just looking at your veiled, how would you differentiate between a perforated esophagus or stomach or intestine from a cricket leg spine or ovipositor, and say, liver disease? jk, it's a rhetorical question :p
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    what a HUGE relief!!! omg, omg, omg!!!

    Hojjjjjjjjj :D hah! i seeeeeeeeeeeeeee it, thanks Hoj, what a pal ;)
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    what a HUGE relief!!! omg, omg, omg!!!

    hey everyone, thanks for your replies...think i'll hang in read mode on need for personal profile either, anyone who wants to know something can ask via harm done that way! ;) k9Luvn - no, no! sorry, it wasn't anything you said, don't worry. it was due to some...
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    what a HUGE relief!!! omg, omg, omg!!!

    i am editing this original post...lost interest in this forum...i don't need the crap, i'm too new to chams, the ignorant, judgmental comment i received on one reply to someone else was not helpful at all. thanks, but i have better things to do
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    Just to confirm how crazy i am...

    hahaha, i totally get that!! they have more than a sticky tongue, something about them really zaps our hearts...they appear and BAM, we're instantly stuck on them. all the subtelties, soooo many little things. i've barely just started, but i got chammed on day one...i'm his fly and he's my fly...
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    Just to confirm how crazy i am...

    awwww...bedtime is my favorite time! i love when it's lights out time, my little Jango puts himself to bed and it's the cutest thing i've ever seen. he finds a spot, then backs up just a wee bit and bellies down. it's that backing up stuff to get comfortable that seriously just cutes me out...
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    Just to confirm how crazy i am...

    yep, definitely all the above...and more! i'll add a few things to my list: 1. suddenly sit bolt upright from a dead sleep not knowing why and anxiously wondering, "is he ok???" 2. spend hours, literally, just watching, monitoring, studying...ever-so-silently and furtively so as not to...
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    i so love my little cham

    lost interest, not wanting to be around ignorant people, it's not helpful to me at all...thanks to whoever that was.
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    Elly Memorial

    when i saw these precious pictures of little Elly, i started crying. i have such a huge lump in my throat and rock in my stomach over what's happened to Elly. i only have one chameleon, my male veiled, Jango, and i've only had him for 1.5 months, but the love i feel for him and how much he...
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    How Old is Loki

    Seriously? that makes me feel a lot better about the size and age of mine when i first got him (supposedly 4 mo, a month and a half ago) about how much would you say Loki weighs here?
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    Do you ever relax?

    in a nutshell: NO! :p Jango is my little boy veiled, i love him so much i can barely hold such immense meaning in my little human heart. i watch him, study him, help him, handle him...all with eagle eyes. if anything happens to him, it'll claim my heart and my soul too. i doubt if i could...
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    my little friend

    Thanks for your quick replies, i guess i wasn't expecting anything so fast :D hi reaction exactly!! again, i'm not sure of his real age, but even if he's only 6 months, it still seems veryyyyy small. though i've not had any experience with chams, this just doesn't seem right to...
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    my little friend

    hi everyone :) this is my first post, and my first chameleon - veiled male. just took my little pal, Jango, in to see the vet (Dr Kevin Wright, board certified in reptiles/amphibians, practices with Dr Johnson at Arizona Exotic Animal Hosp: for slight eye...
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    Area By Area (& country) Vet list

    Dr Kevin Wright is at this hospital with Johnson and has board certification in reptiles/amphibians:
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