what a HUGE relief!!! omg, omg, omg!!!


New Member
i am editing this original post...lost interest in this forum...i don't need the crap, i'm too new to chams, the ignorant, judgmental comment i received on one reply to someone else was not helpful at all. thanks, but i have better things to do
Leaving because someone said something rude isn't going to make it better. When I first got my cham and before I got on this site, a pet store worker told me I'd kill my veil through lack of experience in about a month. I didn't give up on her, and you shouldn't give up on this site either. There is so much knowledge on here.
Don't let one rude comment put you off, this forum is great and full of friendly people, good advice and helpful tips. Maybe it wasn't meant as offensively as you took it, the internet is a fairly informal place and you shouldn't take things too personally :)
I notice you have a male Veiled, here's the best all-round caresheet I've found, just in case I can tempt you back into the fold - https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/chameleonsinmyhouse/395-veiled-chameleon-care-sheet.html
seriously dont leave because of that..some people just dont know how to be normal humans and just politely talk to people with a general respect (do to others as you would want for yourself)..you are here for the chill cham owners, not the stuck up ones..

p.s. you HAVE a life and part of it involves chameleons, like me as well (if this anger was regarding that "other" post..)

Gee I am so sorry if I said something wrong. I certainly did not intend for it to me hurtful. If I upset you I sincerely appoligize
Some people are rude on here and want to aurge all day with you, they feel as if they know everything and make you feel stupid I know what your saying, still there are some friendly people on here. I hope you don't leave this forum. :)
Dont let that take you away from this. One thing i'ved learned from the many forums i'm on is.. do NOT take any post like that personally. Its hard not to, but its pointless. Their are a ton of great people on the forum, as i'm sure you know. Some people have such sucky ass lives themselves that they have to come on the internet and put others down. When i read his post that you're talking about i gave my computer screen a glare like.. Are you serious? Stick around :)
hey everyone, thanks for your replies...think i'll hang in read mode on invisible....no need for personal profile either, anyone who wants to know something can ask via PM....no harm done that way! ;)

k9Luvn - no, no! sorry, it wasn't anything you said, don't worry. it was due to some peoples' unfounded reasoning which just reveals their blatant ignorance. i'm fine, i simply have zero interest engaging such mentalities, especially when education is such an easy choice!

sdheli420 - and it was such a great thread, i had fun playin!! ...until... :rolleyes: haha :p thanks, yep and you're def one of the chill chammers :D

BoopDoop - thanks. yeah, i know...leave it to humans to be that way cuz animals sure aren't! but no worries, pretty confident my IQ is sufficient, piece-o-cake! ;) btw, what a GREAT name you got, seriously, i like it :D

everyone else, thanks...the internet's a black hole, if you know how to navigate it, are careful and wise, then no problem. :)
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Your welcome, yeah even though I just got on this forum I know everything there is to know about male veiled chameleons so you can ask me anything, thanks BoopDoop is what I call my chameleon sometimes instead of his real name which is euigene.
Your welcome, yeah even though I just got on this forum I know everything there is to know about male veiled chameleons so you can ask me anything, thanks BoopDoop is what I call my chameleon sometimes instead of his real name which is euigene.

you know everything:eek: thats a bold statment, but i may take you up on that comment one day;)
great to see new member, newbie to pro we love you all:D:D
heh heh heh

I know everything there is to know about male veiled chameleons so you can ask me anything

really?? well, ok then, here we go! ready? :D so, tell me...just looking at your veiled, how would you differentiate between a perforated esophagus or stomach or intestine from a cricket leg spine or ovipositor, and say, liver disease?

jk, it's a rhetorical question :p
really?? well, ok then, here we go! ready? :D so, tell me...just looking at your veiled, how would you differentiate between a perforated esophagus or stomach or intestine from a cricket leg spine or ovipositor, and say, liver disease?

jk, it's a rhetorical question :p

ROTFL see that how we have fun here LoL, screw the nae sayers ... ( not you boopdoop )
I have a question about veileds. How can I make mine nicer.? She's evil right now, and my mom doesnt want her in the house if she is going to bite. Which she sadly has. So I need to figure something out. Don't want something to cuddle, just something to not attack me.
You don't want to put your hands near your chameleon if its going to try and bite, this means he thinks of you as a threat, just stay near the chameleons cage as much as possible so it knows your there to stay, make sure that your there when he's eating, after a while he should get used to you, but some won't ever be nice to you, also take him out more if he let's, and let him roam around, and haha, but I have researched a lot (I mean everything about a male veiled chameleon), and my chameleon has done a lot of stuff he shouldn't.
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