Hi all,
It is with sincere regret that I will be leaving the forum as I have sold my little boy Popeye.
He is going to a good home and an arranged mariage, so to speak lol...
Well the story is, I am into my herps big time and have a vast collection of both snakes and lizards of many types. My...
Me too Ashley!
I do want him to stay white as I mentioned earlier.
And I also want to know if he part translucent! lol
So Ash, I guess we agree and want the same..LOL Now we just wait and see who answers.
Listen to me, listen to me, I'm one of those people from Overseas...lol
We do some things differently to you guys albeit only slightly, although I do like to go on the US forums because you guys "usually" have the cutting edge equipment and with your massive population you have more people...
That's what I was explaining to the boys making their moulded drip trays, think it would be better to direct the water to the drain..that's awesome mate, well done Justin, nice to see someone with the same ideas!
Only difference is I have the ideas but can't really build em that good!
I'm no expert, in fact far from it, but have you bred a chameleon with a proboscis monkey?
Only joking...but seriously it could be a genetic defect and that hole is actually a nostril secreting mucus of sorts....or a...
Coming along well guys....
Just a tip that i'm sure your experiencing now through this prototype phase, is keep it novel..ie simple!!!!
My 2 cents...DON'T put plant risers in, only limits the end users own design and more importantly will escalate costs.
DO, try and make a slight "fall" to...
Here's mine and no water problems here!
I too have...
Hey Eric thanks for the input, I appreciate it!
Man, your boy is a stunner, I hope my guy turns out like him...
I'll keep you all posted in a couple of months.
I guess i'll sit back and see what happens...
Thanks for the replies guys....
It just seems funny how he is getting whiter after his sheds.
I guess just another quirky attribute of the chameleon hey!
Howdy all,
I guess i'll start from the beginning again. I have an 8 month old male veiled, his name is popeye.
He started to get a white head at around 3 month old, I have asked the question on this site, as to why after his shed he still has a white head and everyone here me included...
So kiddies, now that we all have that off our chests and everyone's kissed and made up....can we get back to Business?
I guess I should start a new thread and not hijak this one, so Chris and everyone else can you reply to my new thread about my guy with the white head...PLEASE?
Love you...
I agree...
So, with my guy, why do you think he has a white head?
As i mentioned before and many people have concurred on this site, we all thought he needed a good "head shed", but this is obviously not the case as he shed last week, had a head shed, which i might say was hilarious to look...