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  1. D

    Help please This is the one I am planning to build :D
  2. D

    Help please

    Thank you you are the first person to answer me :) because I am planning o build my own cage 18x18x24 instead of buying 1
  3. D

    Help please

    Anyone know if it matters if a baby chameleon uses a 18x18x24 or does it have to be a small cage
  4. D

    Help please

    Is a 18x18x24 cage to big for a baby Cham :confused:
  5. D

    Help please

    Ok I'm happy I found someone selling a baby veiled chameleon that looks like the one I want to buy and it is so close to me :D
  6. D

    Help please

    Thank you.......... Do you know about ?:confused:
  7. D

    Help please

    I live in Ohio I can go to the petsmart but it's 100$
  8. D

    Help please

    Wait u mean put like a blanket or something on the cage? Ya I looked at flchams I like that website but my mom said the shipping price is BS:( does anyone know anything about jackson chameleons because my friend is pushing me to get 1 because if the cool horns
  9. D

    Help please

    Ok but the one i really wanted to get was the turquoise veiled chameleon but it seems like that is the only website that has that kind of chameleon
  10. D

    Help please

    You been a big help. I can't wait to get it im buying 1 Friday :D:
  11. D

    Help please

    Thank you :D And btw how big should I get the cage sheould i have. 18x18x32 for his whole life or should i just have small cage and get a bigger 1 when he gets older
  12. D

    Help please

    I'm thinking about getting a chameleon... First: I found a turquoise Veiled Chameleon on should I buy it is it a trust worthy website??? Second: I read online that I shouldn't have my chameleon in a room at night with like a tv on it disrupts it when it is sleeping...
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