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  1. moriahliveson


    Rip The very told me to give her five drops of liquid calcium and I did almost instantly she started to show problems and 24 hours later she was gone I don't understand why and more the vet won't take my calls she was my little girl she will be very missed and I am looking for a new vet for my...
  2. moriahliveson


    I have a flap neck don't know the age and I think my husband have get to much liquid calcium (no d3 in it) can they overdose on calcium and if so what Happens and how long would it take for signs to show up
  3. moriahliveson

    flap neck

    does any know any specific information on flap neck chams. When i bought her the store told me she was a graciuos but people on this forum told me she is a flap neck. i have posted pics of her on different forums and she is my user picture. i was looking for info like size,color, humility,life...
  4. moriahliveson

    my little one looking cute

    look at this little cutie. i was about to take a pic and she posed for me.:):)
  5. moriahliveson

    how does my cage and egg bin look

    Untill i can get the money for a DIY self cage i am using this cage and want to know what you guys think of it. Also i just made this egg bin i took a pic of her in it let me know it the size is good for her. also i want to put some plants in cause i need to find a better way of keeping up the...
  6. moriahliveson

    Help caydon is not acting right at all im very worried!!!

    I got asmall sized litter box and filled it to the to with sand u also bought potting soil should I mix that in or just have the sand
  7. moriahliveson

    Help caydon is not acting right at all im very worried!!!

    I got natural play sand is that ok
  8. moriahliveson

    Help caydon is not acting right at all im very worried!!!

    is it ok with calcium sand
  9. moriahliveson

    Help caydon is not acting right at all im very worried!!!

    egg bin do i take up most of her base with the bin or do i make it somehwere else. and if not in her cage how long do i leave her in it
  10. moriahliveson

    Help caydon is not acting right at all im very worried!!!

    HELP caydon may be egg bound or have MBD please i need advise Chameleon Info: -Your Chameleon - veiled, female,around 1 year two months. i have had her since april of 2011? -Handling -she get taken out about once a week or every other week. she is very mean and has been since she was about...
  11. moriahliveson

    Chameleons and Glass

    right now i am using a glass terrarium. i am saving up the money to get a screen cage i like them much more. but thank you for posting this cause i never thought of that. but i do have a problem with water at the bottom of the cage if i dont remember to check it a few times a day. i was...
  12. moriahliveson

    natural wood

    i would like to put some natural wood in my veiled's cage does anyone know what is the best kind of wood i should put in. and also how to clean it best and safely. i am from illinois if anyone knows any wood i could find locally.
  13. moriahliveson

    advise on new mister

    it is a small one which is all i need since im home 80% of the day and i still spray manually but i will return it cause is should have more power it acts more like a dripper i wish i could find someone that owns one
  14. moriahliveson

    advise on new mister

    i just bought the Habba Mist (Automatic Misting Machine). i set it up the way it said to but im not getting good pressure coming out of it has anyone else had this problem
  15. moriahliveson

    does she look healthy

    yes i have to manually give her water twice a day to make sure she used to drink out of a bowl but everyone told me to get rid of it so now i give her water twice a day by letting the misting bottle drio in to her mouth till she wants no more and i mist her about 7 times a day at least but i...
  16. moriahliveson

    does she look healthy

    yes she has two 5.0 bulbs they need to be replaced next month
  17. moriahliveson

    trying to identify what kind of cham i have

    thanks wow this forum is a god sent any advise on what is should do differently since i now know she is a flap neck
  18. moriahliveson

    trying to identify what kind of cham i have

    yes she gets black spots on her when she gets mad witch is not very often
  19. moriahliveson

    Silkworms, waxworms, and superworms oh my!

    i just bought some super meal worms and some silk worms. She had only eaten crickets before so i tried to hand feed them to her by holding one between my fingers in front of her that did not work. so i put three of each kind in a dish at the botton of her cage but she has not touched them in...
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