Help caydon is not acting right at all im very worried!!!


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HELP caydon may be egg bound or have MBD please i need advise

Chameleon Info:
-Your Chameleon - veiled, female,around 1 year two months. i have had her since april of 2011?
-Handling -she get taken out about once a week or every other week. she is very mean and has been since she was about three months and only lets my husband hold her that is not something that is new?
-Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? She gets crickets, romaine lettuce and just started her in walk and silk worms. What amount? 10-15 crickts a day. 3-5 worms a week. Decent amount of lettuce 3 times a week. What is the schedule? She gets feed crickets in the am, lettuce and worms early afternoon. How are you gut-loading your feeders? my worms eat what is the container they come in and a few pieces of lettuce a week. The crickets get "zilla" gut load cricket and insect food and "zilla" gut load cricket drink with calcium.
-Supplements - Before today she was getting "rep-sal" calcium with d3 3-5 times a week. She waits till the powder was off the crickets or would not eat them at all if the were dusted so i started putting git on her lettuce. Thanks to this forum I found out that that was not right so starting today she is now going to get..***."exo-terra" calcium powder supplement for reptiles and amphibians with every feeding, "exo-terra" multi vitamin twice a month, and the "repsal" calcium with d3 twice a month.***
-Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? she gets sprayed -about 7 times a day. also twice a day i drip water to her mouth for about five mins or untill she lets me know that she wants no more. How often and how long to you mist? i mist for about 1 min. Do you see your chameleon drinking?" only when i drip it to her mouth she used to use a water bowl but that is gone I have never seen her drink from the leaves no matter how long i spray. that is why i spray her directly to make sure she is drinking enough. ***Also i use "tetra" aqua safe plus to condition that water***.
-Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. It was medium sized for her it is black clear and a piece of white. It has always looked like that ever since i got her. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? When she was about 2 weeks old i was told.
-History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you. she is 6 inches without tail and 10 1/2 with tail She has always been mean but very healthy as far as i have seen. i dont know much about her before i rescued her.

Cage Info:
-Cage Type - Describe your cage. she is in a a all screened cage. *** 16/16/30***
-Lighting - repti glow2.0 uvb, there are two uvb bulbs (getting new ones next week)What is your daily lighting schedule? lights go on between 8-10am and off between 8-10pm.
-Temperature - Her cage stays at about 85 during the day. she did not like the basking light and was always mad so i got rid of it and put a electric heater in the room with her so most of her cage is 85 and the lowest temp is 78. Lowest overnight temp? her cage normally goes down to about 72-75 but never lower then 68. How do you measure these temps? I use a digital thermometer that is hand held i place it where i want to get the temp leave it there for about 5 mins before looking at the reading.
-Humidity - What are your humidity levels? normally around 50-60 but at some points it gets to 80. How are you creating and maintaining these levels? I manage them by spraying her often. What do you use to measure humidity? a humidity reader that is placed in the cage.
-Plants - Are you using live plants? No
-Placement - Where is your cage located? she has her own bedroom. her cage is in out guest room that we are slowly turing into a cham dream world. when it is done she will be able to move all around during the day. we closed off all the vents in that room and sealed the windows. It is not in anyway a high trafic area not even medium traffic area. the only time she gets bothered is when we go in there to feed her or srpay her. At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?about 6 feet up from the floor.
Location - Where are you geographically located? Illinois

-Current Problem - She has not been acting right at all. I think it may either be MBD or egg bound. She has never laid an egg ans has never made me think that she needs to. But i dont know how large of a egg bin i should make, where to put it, and if calcium sand from the pet store is ok to use. Also her backs legs dont look the best and her eye has sunk in just a little on the left side. she is going through a shed right now and even though i am spraying her with aloe for reptiles it seams to be taking her a long time to shed. Also the last few days she has had really bad balance. when i am driping her she is fine. but when i spray the cage all over she tryies to more and then falls. i dont want her to hurt herself. She seams to be climbing up fine but going down she acts like she is scared. also that is when she usually falls. just today she feel three times and one of the times nothing was going on no watering or anyting. also for the first time i have seen she missed two crickets. if i put her at the bottom of the cage she does climb up. i just went to check on her and she was at the very top and looked scared. i am adding some photos to this so you can see her legs and eye. a little note the color does not come in good on my camra always. 90% of the day she is purple,light green,aquamariane,pink,yellow, or a combo of them. the other 10% of the day she turns a real dark grey and that is only when i have to go in her cage to do something other then hand drip her. she inly likes my husband but she is still my baby. i dont want anything to happen to her. the areas in this where i added *** means can you please tell me if i am doing it right. also i had a bed bedding in there for her. i had bark pieces but thaks to all the support her i took it out and now have a moss carpet that i take out everyday and sanitize it to get rid of extra water if there is any and just to be safe to get rid of any bacterra. i tried to just have a plain bottom but she would not walk on it and stayed dark till i put in the carpet. Thank you in advance for any help. i really dont want to loose her.:(


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The typical egg laying bin recommendation is a 12x12x12 bin....but you can scrimp on all those dimensions a bit...she needs to be able to turn around comfortably on the surface, so that determines 2 of your dimensions. Ideally she needs 12 inches to dig a tunnel, but they dig at an angle...8 inch might be enough.... As close to 12x12x12 as you can get within reason.

I don't see pictures...but pictures would definitely be helpful.
egg bin

do i take up most of her base with the bin or do i make it somehwere else. and if not in her cage how long do i leave her in it
If it were me, I'd put it in her cage and if it took up the bulk of the bottom, well, that's fine. I think every egg bearing species of 5 months or more should have a bin in her cage for when she might need it.
i use potting soil sand mix all preference of course some use just soil i also put my bin inside there cages
How long has she been like this?
I would put an egg laying bin in her tank today and if she doesn't lay today I would take her to the vet tomorrow. ( you could even call around today and get an appointment just in case)
I recently loss one of my females who was egg bound and I didnt know it. by the time She started showing signs there was a problem it was too late and She passed at the vet right after having a Oxytocin, and IMHO she looked alot like your girl does now. If it were me I would take her to the vet asap just to be safe if your budget allows it. IMHO
I hope she gets better for you. and please keep us posted on her condition
That should be okay. It wants to be moist. You should be able to poke a hole about an inch to an inch and a half wide and as long as your finger and have that hole stay open. You might want to leave the hole for her. Don't go straight down, go at an angle.
I got asmall sized litter box and filled it to the to with sand u also bought potting soil should I mix that in or just have the sand
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