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  1. T

    tongue wont stick to food

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - veiled, sex not sure, got for christmas wasnt very old when i got him. been im my care for 4 months Handling - a couple times a week doesnt like to be handled too much Feeding - crickets about 10 - 12 a day every day mid morning getting crickets from the pet...
  2. T

    tounge issue

    so many lights cause the top holds that many and that is what they recomended for bulbs. the multi vit has beta carotene in it. i think he is missing cause his tounge doesnt shoot out very fast or as far as he could a week ago. it is 18" deep 36" high and 36" wide
  3. T

    tounge issue

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - veiled, sex not sure, got for christmas wasnt very old when i got him. been im my care for 4 months Handling - a couple times a week doesnt like to be handled too much Feeding - crickets about 10 - 12 a day every day mid morning getting crickets from the pet...
  4. T

    tounge problem

    have a veiled was eating fine yesterday but today he has no aim with his tounge and it is really slow to go out and retract aslo doesnt fully extend. it is a dark purple color. he keeps tring to eat but can get anything with his tounge. got him at Cristmas and has been great till today. any help...
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