tounge issue


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled, sex not sure, got for christmas wasnt very old when i got him. been im my care for 4 months
Handling - a couple times a week doesnt like to be handled too much
Feeding - crickets about 10 - 12 a day every day mid morning getting crickets from the pet store
Supplements - all supplements are exo-terra calcium daily calcium+d3 once a week and a multi vitamin once a week
Watering - using the monsoon rs-400 every 2 hours about 20 sec. never have seen him drink but never been dehydrated
Fecal Description - always a constant health like in the pics on the forum never been checked for parasties

Cage Info:
Cage Type - a glass exo-terra cage 36" x 36" x 18"
Lighting - using 2 - 5.0 uvb bulbs and 2 -2.5 uvb bulbs on around 8 am and off by 10 pm bulbs are 2 months old. using 1 heat lamp 100 watt
Temperature - temp ranges 23C to 27C use a laser heat reader to measure temp
Humidity - humidity range 30% to 70% monsoon mister to create humidity have a needle style humidity guage in the cage
Plants - no live plants
Placement - in the bed room for now till we move so a little higher traffic the cage is about 2 feet off the floor
Location - edmonton alberta canada
Current Problem - when he is trying to eat his tounge comes out very slowley no accuracy also it is hard for him to bring it back into his mouth it is very thick at the tip and way thinner closer to the inside of his mouth the color is a light purple
if the aim is off it could be due to poor eyesight. What do you gutload your feeders with? if you buy them from the petstore they are probably not being fed anything but potatoes and water cubes. Feed your feeders well!! You need to feed them nutritious vegetables and fruits. Also why so MANY UVB lights???. I have a 30 X 36 X 18 cage and use one tube Reptisun 5.0. That is all you need really. Most of us use this with great success.
he may have an injury on his tongue also could be vit a problem (not enough or to much) or like calor said eye problem is also possible sorry to here he is having this problem does the multy vit have vit a (beta carotine) or any others
so many lights cause the top holds that many and that is what they recomended for bulbs. the multi vit has beta carotene in it. i think he is missing cause his tounge doesnt shoot out very fast or as far as he could a week ago. it is 18" deep 36" high and 36" wide
hello and welcome.
i can tell you that you dont need all those lights, typical reccomendation is 1 linear 5.0 uvb the witdh of the top and a basking light.
i have a feeling your temp readings are off a bit as well, with all those lights and a 100w going into a exoterra, ( glass terrarium im assuming ) would def, be hotter than 27c
other than that there is the whole vit a thing but i have a feeling thats not your issue,
you could try a different vit suppliment ( one that contains a retinol based ( preformed ) vit a.
hope everything works out for you
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