Nice looking Cham. But in regarding your question for sexing it, I believe it's to early to tell. I could say she's a female due to the fact that she doesn't have a bump in her tail. Just to be sure you can Wait at least 2 months and you will be able to tell its sex more accurately.
Also make sure you buy a thermometer to check the temperatures of his enclosure as well as the humidity. Panther have a variety of colors depending on there origins. For say Nosey Be's tend to have a blue with a yellow outline in their mouth on some. Ambilobes colors can vary red bar, blue bar...
Let me start by saying nice cham.If you see that your chameleon is eating phoenex worms then there's nothing to worry about. Another important factor would be water. Is he drinking enough water?
I've have had my panter chameleon for as long as 4 months.Which i got him on january 6.I have not seen him shed since last month.They told me when i gpt him he was 3 months already.Yes he eats great and drink water as well.But i havent seen him grown at all.Please help!!I also posted a picture...