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  1. ssuttondt

    Heat Lamp?

    I have a 50w Zilla bulb that I use as a heat lamp. After it has been on several hours 3-4, my chameleon gets brown and green stripes and starts climbing on the screen. I usually turn it off around then, and he seems to relax and turn normal colors. I think he is too hot. Am I right? Is it...
  2. ssuttondt

    General Shedding Question

    I have a baby veiled that I've had for about a week and was just curious how often they shed? I know he probably won't shed for a while, I was just wondering what the normal timing pattern is.
  3. ssuttondt

    calcium/d3 rep-cal (supplement schedule)

    Thanks! I will get some calcium and a multi tomorrow. Our pet shop is small, but they do have a pretty good selection, I will order if I have to.
  4. ssuttondt

    calcium/d3 rep-cal (supplement schedule)

    I just got a veiled chameleon and am trying to figure out exactly what the proper supplement schedule is. I have the Rep-cal calcium d3 powder and that's it (so far, I will get whatever is needed). The consensus seems to be they need plain calcium, cal with d3 a couple times a month AND a...
  5. ssuttondt

    How Long?

    How long will it take by baby veiled to destress? I've had him for two days, and he ate about 8 or 9 crickets yesterday, so his appetite is getting there. But so far he REALLY doesn't like me! He turns dark when I walk up to the cage
  6. ssuttondt

    New VC pics

    Here are some pics for my new little fellow I just got earlier today!
  7. ssuttondt


    His name is Bartholomew, (Barty for short). He is still a dark brownish color, I wish he would de-stress, but I know it takes a while. I'm trying to not bother him.
  8. ssuttondt


    I just got by baby veiled male chameleon! He is about 2.5 inches long. Once he chills a little bit I will try to post pictures. I'm so excited!
  9. ssuttondt

    How many do you have??

    I have one. I have hopes of getting more after college! Maybe, hopefully! =)
  10. ssuttondt

    enclosure size for male veiled

    Thanks! That's what I wanted to know.
  11. ssuttondt

    enclosure size for male veiled

    I will be getting a baby male veiled in a couple of days! :D I currently have a 18x18x36 cage for him, which I have temporarily made smaller until he grows. I have read that males really need a 2x2x4 when they are adults. How long will my current cage be sufficient?
  12. ssuttondt

    Making a cup feeder

    I will be getting my first chameleon in about a week. I am planning on cup feeding him, but wondered if anyone could give instructions on how to make an effective one that a baby chameleon could access easily and without harming himself?
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