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  1. E

    Anyone in Northern VA or DC area that can take in a sick chameleon?

    I was mainly worried about the delay in vet care, that is why I asked if someone wanted to take him. I should be able to get him into the vet by this weekend and after that, depending on what the vet says, I should be able to take care of him and hopefully get him back healthy :) If he is not...
  2. E

    Anyone in Northern VA or DC area that can take in a sick chameleon?

    I'm in Centreville, VA, not too far from Gaithersburg, Md. He has drank water a couple of times in the past 48-72 hours and I've been able to pry open his mouth and get a few crickets in there and he ate them with no problem. I've been putting him outside in the sun the last couple of days and...
  3. E

    Anyone in Northern VA or DC area that can take in a sick chameleon?

    I cannot afford a vet, I can barely afford to feed myself and my daughter. I'm ready for all the judgemental responses from owners on here who are so much better than me, but it is what it is in todays economy - especially in northern va. This is the best I can do for him, offer him to someone...
  4. E

    Anyone in Northern VA or DC area that can take in a sick chameleon?

    Veild chameleon, more than likely with MBD, needs someone who is experience asap to take him in and try to nurse him back to health. He hasn't eaten in days and is reluctant to drink. I've tried all suggestions given to me and things are the same, if not worse. He is about 7-8 months old and...
  5. E

    Is this normal?

    Is there anyone in the Northern VA or DC area that would want to take him in and try to nurse him back to health? I can't afford to and I don't want to see him die.
  6. E

    Is this normal?

    Can anyone write out the correct steps to get him healthy? Unfortunately I am not able to bring him to the vet right now, I'm a broke full time college student with a baby girl. I love my chameleon and I want him to get better. Please let me know all the things I need to do to get him climbing...
  7. E

    Is this normal?

    Thanks for all the advice. I am going to change his cage right now into a "hospital cage" and try feeding him. I did just get a new uv bulb, a 5.0 repti bulb, brand exo terra, please let me know if this the correct bulb. Thanks again everyone for the support!
  8. E

    Is this normal?

    What should I do now that he can barely keep himself up in his plants? I always find him on the ground, is that going to be permanent now? Also are there any other tricks to getting him to drink water? He is my first chameleon and even though I've had him for the last 6 months or so after...
  9. E

    Is this normal?

    I am only using calcium with D3, I didn't know not too, thats what the pet store reccommended I buy. Is there anything I can do to stop the MBD from happening or reverse the effects? He seems to be getting worse and I can't get him to drink anything. I just sat with him in a steam shower after...
  10. E

    Is this normal?

    Pictures are attached, I couldn't upload them directly in response. The first picture is of him BEFORE this all started, a few weeks ago. The second picture is of him this morning, he is not really opening his eyes and seems even more weak than before. Thanks for any information.
  11. E

    Is this normal?

    I'm using zoo med repti calcium with D3. Is there anything I can do at this point to reverse the metabolic bone disease, if that is what it turns out to be? Thanks for your reply.
  12. E

    Is this normal?

    I got my chameleon when he was about 2 months old, he is now around 7-8 months. He has always been active in the past, eating and drinking, climbing up and down everything in his cage. I always dust his crickets with calcium and "gutload" them, he eats about 15-20 a day. I have the temp. and...
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