Clearly the spur is visible anyone still think its female? hes green right now but i do notice him going this real peach/pink color a couple times a day.
sorry i couldnt get the best of photos first one is him the peachy pink color he got mad as you can see from other photos so ill try n get a couple more later n im still sure hes 100% male, as for being a panther chameleon i highly doubt that(veil is clearly there).
thank you all for replying i will get some pictures first thing tomorrow morning. As for having spurs yes im 100% sure he has nubs on the back of his feet, i was just confused because i had heard the same that females take on more of a peach color and have never seen it in males before.
i have a young male veiled chameleon about 3-4 months old and i noticed that he has been very peach in color and have never really seen it in him since now. any ideas would be appreciated thanks.